This operating system is on a 1TB + internal drive.
It has 4 partitions.
Partition #1 a 101Mb NTFS Primary partition labelled "Z" and is unused.
Partition #2 a 100 Mb EFI partition (which I presume is associated with recovery)
Partition #3 an 824.64 Mb GB NTFS partition containing the Win y operating system labelled "C"
Partition #4 a 572.3 MB GB NTFS partition containing data, labelled "D".
The numbers 1-4 indicate the relative positions on the partitions on the drive.
Please see attached screen shot.
I would like to recover the unused space in Partition #1 back to either Partition #3 or #4.
I have tried to do this using Win 7's inbuilt Disk Management and EaseUS Partitionmaster,
but without success.
The problem seems to be that Partition #1 is NOT adjacent to either "C" or "D".
Although EaseUS is claimed to be able to recover a non-adjacent situation I can't make it do so.
Help please