In the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" section here, you
can see they have concepts such as '7bit' and '8bit'.
At one time, transports across the continent, weren't
necessarily 8 bit transparent. That led to encoding
schemes, so the top-most byte of characters would not
get corrupted. While you wouldn't think that is a problem
today, it's probably because the email system doesn't
take any chances.
As an example of an encoding (an encoding I used
as a discrete choice on Claris Emailer), we have
"The number of output bytes per input byte is approximately
4/3 (33% overhead) and converges to that value for a large
number of bytes."
2.63 * 1.333 = 3.51.
In Claris Emailer, you had your choice of encoding schemes,
and I had good luck with the base64 choice. At least, people
seemed to get attachments OK that way (PC user receiving
my Mac emails). My current email tool, doesn't even tell me
what it's doing
It's like my email tool was an
appliance or something.