SOLVED Non arrival of inbox to self mail

Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
I am a silver surfer, not an advanced user.
Have 64bit system using WLM.
Suddenly I cannot send messages from my inbox to self and am not aware of having changed anything.
I select - 'forward' - 'Bcc my own address, as in the past' - 'send' - the message disappears from my inbox but never arrives.
Help anyone ?


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
There is no need to select "CC & BCC", if this is what you are doing. Because of the nature of my lan setup, I often forward to other users. I have CC/>BCC selected as "hidden"
All I do is select "forward from the top menu. By default, the cursor is already positioned on the "To" line. I then select "Add" (halfway along the menu bar with the green + sign) and select from my contacts.
Send - gone and arrived to addresses, and myself, if required.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dave, I believe he is saying when forwarding a message that he likes to also blind carbon copy (BCC) himself, but the forwarded message never shows up in his inbox.

Shmendrik, you never stated what program you are using for your mail. Is it an online service like hotmail or gmail or your ISP provided webmail or do you have PC based mail such as Microsoft Outlook.

It also concerns me that you say your original message disappears from your inbox - are you hitting delete? Just because you forward a message does not mean the original is deleted. What you should have is the original message in your inbox as well as the version you BCC'd to yourself.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
If you do a search on WLM the closest is Windows Live Messenger, the instant messaging program. If you mean Windows Live Mail the main website calls it Windows Live Hotmail or many people still call it just Hotmail. Have you upgraded to Windows Live Essentials 2011? Because lots of people have mentioned having issues with Windows Live Essentials 2011, though I haven't seen your particular issue.

Also Shmendrik, having a 64-bit system does not mean you are using a 64-bit browser though it probably doesn't matter most people are actually using the 32-bit browser rather than the 64-bit version, even on 64-bit systems, so you might mention which if you know.

Are any of the other people getting your emails? Have you checked your spam/blocked folders?

Not an answer but why wouldn't you use the sent folder to see messages you send rather than emailing them back to yourself. Hotmail may just be smart enough to ignore the current address in outgoing mail but there is a setting in options to store all mailed messages to the SENT folder.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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Whatever. This is the page that search takes me to.
Windows Live Mail is a standalone program. It can be integrated with Live hotmail, or vice versa, so you can receive maiI from and to either.
Windows Live Hotmail, is, quote
"Windows live hotmail is a service owned by microsoft. Windows live hotmail is a free email solution. You can easily sign up for a free windows live account. Its a two minutes job. you can get a unique email id, by registering into windows live hotmail."
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all ball, no chain
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Open WLM > Inbox > View > Current View > click on Show all Messages. Make sure Hide Read Messages is not checked.

If msgs you've fwd'd to yourself are not arriving it could be an issue server-side. I've had this problem before with some less than fantastic webmail providers; any emails sent to oneself were not delivered due to security settings.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
shmendrik, in a 64-bit OS it can run programs optimized for 64-bit but it can also run older 32-bit programs. With W7-64 it comes with a 32-bit IE browser and a 64-bit IE browser, as well as a 32-bit Windows Media Player and a 64-bit Windows Media Player.

Up until a couple weeks ago there wasn't flash available for IE-64 and without flash content in IE-64 most people did not use it. Now I'm sure at least a few are using it but in general it shouldn't make a huge difference to this current issue.

I don't have Windows Live Essential 2011 and from the posts I've seen regarding some of the issues people are having with it, including yours, it is simply not something I want to install.

I did get your message saying you were able to get it to work if you selected it from the contacts list box and I'm glad it's working for you now. You might take a look at Core's post as this could be why you say the message "disappears" after you send, because it is normally still there but just not showing as unread in the list.

Dave, thanks for the info, acronyms can be a pain sometimes as they can often mean so many things. If WLM is supposed to start meaning Windows Live Essentials 2011 then I know for me personally it's an acronym I don't want on my system. Sounds like Microsoft is trying to create some hybrid cloud-like email: part on your computer and part on the web; mostly I think they just want to take control of everything and I'm not interested in giving up my control.
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Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you for the info. Quite honestly it's a bit too much for my 78 year old brain that has only been introduced to a computer for the last two years.
The reason I send to myself is that I quite often use the 'snipping tool' when forwarding part of a page of text, and like to check it before 'send'.
Thanks for your help.



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
My Dad and stepmother are a few years younger than you and they have no desire to even touch a computer. They often bring me things to join for them or surveys to take, I updated their Garmin GPS unit, I print their Trip maps, coupons, recipes etc so I think it's admirable you try.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
I understand, smendrik, that your original problem is now solved.
You could mark this thread as solved also?
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Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
". If WLM is supposed to start meaning Windows Live Essentials 2011 then I know for me personally it's an acronym I don't want on my system. Sounds like Microsoft is trying to create some hybrid cloud-like email: part on your computer and part on the web; mostly I think they just want to take control of everything and I'm not interested in giving up my control. "

To be fair to Microsoft, I think we invented WLM as an acronym for Windows Live Mail, not MS. It has , for much longer, been such, for other things.

I have never been a user of Messenger and, truth I swear, It had not even occurred to me that there was a conflict of "WLM" acronym until this thread popped up. (LOL)
Fwiw. Windows Live mail (WLM - lol) was first introduced for the desktop in 2007 by Microsoft (MS The corporation, not the disease ) This is a joke, sorry..
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