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Jan 22, 2011
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minor violations of protocol. I am running two machines and, ideally, would like to be able use one at least one--preferably both-to send/receive email. We have a small business that rarely requires a fax. Every now & then, it seems as if a client insists on communicating via fax.
Ideally, there would be a service that would allow about 100-150 pages per month mid Jan-mid-April; and about 1/2 that /month during the remainder of the year.

I have already purchased a Rosewill PCI card that was supposed to allow this and a Linksys external Cable Modem with USB and Ethernet connectivity but can find no support from either company on the feasibility of allowing that to work.



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Perhaps I don't understand what you are trying to wire up.

A Fax modem (I assume this is what your Rosewill PCI card is) would use your standard phone line, not a cable modem connection. So plug it in the machine and connect a phone line to the "line" jack on the card.

And Windows 7 comes with built-in FAX support software, though you may need to turn it on in Control Panel \ Programs and Features ... Turn Windows Features on or off ... under Print and Document Services ... make sure Windows Fax and Scan is checked. Once it's on I believe the Windows Fax and Scan can be found under Start Menu ... Accessories; incoming faxes will be in here and you should then be able to print them to your computers printer or view them from the software.

Microsoft - Receive a Fax

Note: Sending a fax to non-local clients from your business would incur long distance charges and would require long distance service on your phone line.

Microsoft - Send a Fax

I don't understand what you hoped the Linksys external cable modem would do for Fax; it converts cable signals to computer signals if you have cable internet service (rather than renting the modem from the cable company).

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