SOLVED New problem since upgrading

Jan 2, 2011
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Hello all ...

Since im sure quite a few of you were following my other thread in the hardware section.. and had seen that has ben resolved...

I have a new problem popping up.. and I have noticed via goggle seach that others are having the same issues.. and quite a few have not found a 100% viable soulution some work some do't...

I figured I would post this in the software sectoin .. since it is most definatley softwareware based.

(with a possible bit of hard ware not sure yet)

Since doing my upgrade(hard ware) I've been tryingto do the windows updates .. and i keep getinn tossed back weither "Code 800B0100" or 8007(i thnk on the 7)3712

I have googeled for these specific error codes .. and they all point back to a few of the same things .. ( not for verbatim quioes mind you to save reading) :

" Install System rediness tool" ( tried that )
"Reset Windows updates" (both manually and using Microsoft Fix it) (tried that as well)

Cleaned out Temp internet and temporary files using CCleaner.

There are only a few other options I can really think of ..

1) Reinstalling windows( woudl like to avoid that )

2) Repair install ( would also like to avoid that cause then I woudl have to re do shourcuts and reinstall programs.. and if this would be anything like pervious versions it leaves a "windows old" file of windows and I would not want to "sift" through the BS to get it backthe way i want it)

3) Do a manual update SOMEHOW force windows to take the updates . mabe that will get it out of its "glitch"(preferred option)

4) BIOS update.. don't have a major problem with that .. but if i dont have ot i would like to avoid it ...(besides if the BIOS can take windows 7 without issue .. why would it need to be upgraded)

any and all advice is welcomed..

If you need more info let me know .. :)



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I would run CCleaner for space and for registry then reboot & see if the error persists.

If you do a system repair from the W7 install disks (is this what you mean by the repair install?) it simply repairs any damaged system files it finds; this is not a reinstall and does not create a windows.old, does not loose any data or uninstall any of your programs. It's safe to try but unless it is because of corrupt files on your HD it isn't likely to help
Jan 2, 2011
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Thanks for that .. ill try running CCCleaner again and see what it finds and have it fix them ..

And yes I do have the Win 7 disk(s) avaialable .. if all else fails I'll go with that .. i was just worried that I would have to recofigure all my shourtcuts and junk .... if i remeber at one point thats the way it USED to be.

And since im not sure if it acctually IS from corrupted files ( due to my previous issue from the other thread) I wasn't exactly sure what would happen.

The instructions that I have seen are not all that clear as to what exactly happens or how to go about doing such .

The only ones (as far as instructions) I have seen ( from MS own fourms) is to insert the disk .. while the system is running .. and navigate to the particualr file on the disk abd click "Upgrade".

Or other things to that effect..

Be that as it is I'll try both options ( CCleaner and the Win 7 repair) and see what happens.

Thanks again, If it solves the problem , I'll mark this as solved.



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Seems to me I did it once and when you pop in the disk it shows something like "repair system files" in the lower corner as an option - you select it and it compares the files on your HD and patches any that need it then it reboots or tells you to reboot and you remove the disk & boot.
Jan 2, 2011
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Thanks again ... for the info .. I'll give that a shot in a little bit..



No longer shovelling
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
I had to do 2 repair installs on 64bit systems to get SP-1 to install. As TM said there were no problems with installed programs or shortcuts. All went wall and was nothing more than an inconvenience. It takes a little longer than a clean install but that's ok because your programs are already there. You still have to go through all the updates though.
Jan 2, 2011
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To TB and Yodap TY

Thank you both for your advice ..

I did a "repair" ( also known as upgrade install.. there wasn't any opttion for a "repair") of Win 7 and all seems to be runing fine ..

I was able to get the updates that I needed and then some ..

I was wary .. to be onest aout doing what i had to do .. causwe i had seen that ther was POSSIBLY a Windows.old file created..

So far I haven't seen that .. and if its there im not 100% worried about it..

Thank you both again for you assitance :) its much appreciated


Happlily pluggin along with Sp1 and the final version of IE 9

Marking this thread as Solved

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