NEW PC - WEI 1.0 rating

Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all,

I just picked up my brand new gaming PC today but am yet to be able to play any games on it. While setting it up, I decided to check my Windows Experience Index just for fun.

It gave me a message about, it not being fully updated or something along those lines and I clicked on reassess and it gave me a 1.0 on the graphics and gaming graphics scores.

I have a Gigabyte Gtx 580 installed, so this can hardly be the case. I was given scores of 7.0 or above for everything else.

Does this happen often and can I fix this? It actually gave me a message that the PC would have to lower the performance of Minesweeper in order to play it. I am now worried that Windows will lower the framerate when I play Skyrim and Battlefield.

P.S. Is it possible that the GPU is loose or something has gone wrong?

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