SOLVED Need help shrinking my Hard Drive

Jun 22, 2011
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I just bought a new laptop with a 500gb Hard drive.

I would like to split the HD up into 5 partitions.
C: go 80gb and the other 4 equal sizes with the rest.

I'm able to shrink the drive and create 2 94gb partitions but it will not let me split it anymore.

I extend the drive and put them back.
I then tried to shrink it so I could size the C: drive first to the 80gb and then I will split up the extended space.

It will not let me make the C:drive any smaller then 200gb.
Since this system is brand new it only has the OS on it so it is only using 22gb.

I really don't want to reformat and put my own build on it is I can avoid it.

I have already converted the C:drive to GPT.

Thanks for your help,
May 7, 2010
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I'm almost positive that you can only have 3 partitions on a hard. Also, whenever Windows 7 is installed it makes 2 partitions on your hard drive automatically. One partition is your C: drive where Windows is and the other is a hiiden system partition, that I believe contains either the bootup files or files for BitLocker. Thus, I believe you can only create one more partition on your current hard drive. Also 20 GBs. for your C: drive where Windows, your programs, etc, is way too small. Unless, if you like numerous "Low Disk Space" notifications. Windows 32 bit needs 16 GB. by itself and Windows 64 bit needs 20 GBs. by itself. That's just for the operating system. Then you have to figure in your programs, documents, etc. They all need space. Plus, you need to leave 10-15% of your hard drive free at all times for your pc to function normally. Why don't you just make your C: drive something like 90 GBs. and make one more partition of what's left over and move your Contacts, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Saved Games, Searches and Videos. That step is a good idea anyway, as if you ever have to reinstall Windows, all your personal files will still be intact, as they're seperated from Windows.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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You can only have 4 Primary partitions. You could for example,convert one of your primary partitions into an extended partition. . Logical drives can be created in an extended partition, and then your only limitation is the number of letters in the alphabet.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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Debbie25 - davehc is correct. Your hard drive setup as an MBR or master boot record disk, which only allows up to 4 partitions.

Leave your C drive at 80 GB as you stated in your first post and then make an extended partition as davehc suggested.

Be careful though of too many partitions, you may experience some problems.

Why do want 5 partitions? Just curious.
Jun 22, 2011
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That was the biggest problem was that I could not shrink the C:drive down to 80gb. It would not let me go below 200gb and all I had created was 2 logical partitions.

Since the OS was already installed on my system when I purchased it, so it had all it's system apps I really didn't want. I went ahead and reinstalled the OS on the 80gb and then created my logical partitions after that.

Thanks for all your help.
I will keep this info in mind if I need it later.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Glad it worked out for you! Now you're setup the way you want things to be.

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