need help desperately... very urgent

Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
system details: Win 7 professional 32bit OS


my OS got corrupted. need to reinstall it.

i ahve installed many applications. its a pain to reinstall all those applications and drivers after i reinstall OS. is there a way i can backup only applications and drivers and not any OS component in my C drive??

i tried to use builtin backup feature. unfortunately it backs up everything in c drive including windows files.

pls help me out.


Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Have you run sfc /scannow to see if that will repair your corrupted OS?

You can do a repair install with Windows 7 as long as you have your disc and can start Windows. This will leave all your software and personal stuff untouched. What it does replace is backed up in a folder called Windows.old just in case something does go missing.

Here's a link on how to go about it by Cap'n Jack.

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