Are you logged on as Igor or is that another userid on the computer? If you are not logged on as Igor then it should NOT let you have access because it is protecting another users data, however it also tries to protect your own files if they are system files, everything under AppData is likely considered a system work area for user Igor.
If you are Igor then Download and install "Take Ownership" from the
File and Folder section of our
Freeware Database (administrator privileges are required to install and to use this item). Once you run the reg file it will add an extra menu item called "Take Ownership" to the right-click menu options in Windows Explorer. So open Windows Explorer and open the folder list to C:\Users\Igor\AppData. With AppData selected, right-click and select Take Ownership. A script will run granting you file permissions on every file & folder under AppData. Once it completes you should have full access to everything under AppData.
Note: I have seen the Take Ownership script run about 15 minutes if the folder tree underneath it is extensive.