Minimum Member Specs Required?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Would it be possible to make at least minimal computer specs required? I would say a bullet selection for Starter, Home Premium, Pro, Ultimate, Enterprise and another for 32bit or 64bit. With a note, if you have multiple versions running please specify the one you use most often.

You could still leave the Operating System Detail line where they can expound upon multiple versions etc.

Fire cat

Established Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
One thing missing on this forum, that is very usefull is a read before posting thread.

In it you could ask members to post system info, the problem, anything that was installed lately, etc...


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
Are you suggesting forcing users to fill in system specs? I am not for that. In fact, I think system specs are pretty much useless. Many posters come here seeking advice for friends, family or neighbors. I, for example, have 8 computers in this house. So unless the OP puts in his opening post that he is talking about that computer listed in computer specs, we still have to ask.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Most individuals have one or possibly 2 computers. And especially for the one-time or few-time posters that are looking for an answer about their computer they would supply the info to said computer more often than not.

[... rant deleted ...]
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Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
I support the last two posts. I, also, have several computers, and many pass through my house, for various reasons. It would not be practical.
Also, the posters, so far in this thread, are all regular helpers. I, personaly, have never sougth help, as , also, have most of the others. I could not see the benefit of making the entry compulsory.
A really bad example of where this could lead was with my brother. he was a very enthusiastic helper on another forum site. In the course of a reasonable open discussion with the Admin, he was markedly criticised for not having filled out the specs, after one year on the forum. This lead into associated arguments, regarding the site and his attitude, with further comments from the Administrator. Finally, in frustration, he asked to be deleted from the site, from which, to his loss, he is now banned!
Maybe not exacly relevant, but such mandatory rules can lead into unplanned areas!


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
How can you support the "last two posts" ? One is mine, for it, and one against - I would say from your post you are against but I don't understand your wording.

As you pointed out, you have several computers and you don't ask for help. The less experienced users are less likely to have lots of computers and they are the ones asking for help 90+% of the time. I didn't say make the whole thing mandatory, just what OS and 32 or 64bit.

BTW, if it had been mandatory on that other site your brother would have filled it out, there would have been no argument about it, and he may very well not be banned.

I guess if you are worried about multiple computers etc. than rather than make it part of the users specs you could make it mandatory when opening a thread in categories where the info is relevant.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
You seem to have your hair on end over this subject? I hardly expected a simple post to be flamed!
Obviously, then, I did not understand the wording of your post.
"Most individuals have one or possibly 2 computers"..etc. - That was the item to which I responded.

"Would it be possible to make at least minimal computer specs required"
That sounds mandatory. The OS, imho, is not "computer specs.". I am not denying it is often a "need to know" for problem solving.

The issue with my brother was, as said, an example of the way small ripples can became waves. Had the information been mandatory, I guess he would still have had to ask the pertinent question in his case - "which one". But it was, in any event, an accumulation of exchanges, which led to his request for dismissal.

I don't know how the idea in your last para could be implemented?
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Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
You seem to have your hair on end over this subject? I hardly expected a simple post to be flamed!
Yeah. Gee whiz, dude! Personal attacks against me then Dave? What's up with that? None of us disagrees with you that the information up front is needed!!! But Dave is right, required = mandetory and that's just not going to happen. Many posters have no clue the exact version of Windows that they have, let along 32 or 64-bit. They just want their problem fixed. And again, as you admitted, many users have more than one computer. But also, going back to your attack on me, many problems have nothing to do with the OS and since I tend to hang out in hardware sections, it is very often the threads I deal with are not OS dependent.

I wish every OP would list the complete System Specs (which I too generally consider as hardware), OS version (and patch level, if applicable) to include 32 or 64-bit, problem description to include when it started and what they have done thus far to fix it, complete error message (and not just "I get the blue screen"), and a list of any recent changes (HW and SW) they have made. But it's not going to happen. Newbies are always going to join, then post in the wrong forum, in someone else's thread, "my computer reboots, what's wrong?", and maybe even include a HJT log.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Dave is right, required = mandatory and that's just not going to happen. Many posters have no clue the exact version of Windows that they have, let along 32 or 64-bit. They just want their problem fixed.
I agree totally, plus most n00bs usually just post the OS they're using, not the hardware it's installed on. It us who do our own builds that really have a grasp of what to list.

many problems have nothing to do with the OS and since I tend to hang out in hardware sections, it is very often the threads I deal with are not OS dependent.
Took the words right out of my mouth. ;)

I wish every OP would list the complete System Specs (which I too generally consider as hardware), OS version (and patch level, if applicable) to include 32 or 64-bit, problem description to include when it started and what they have done thus far to fix it, complete error message (and not just "I get the blue screen"), and a list of any recent changes (HW and SW) they have made.
Then it would truly be a "perfect world", other than me and Nicole Kidman spending the weekend together. :love: :handkiss:

Newbies are always going to join, then post in the wrong forum, in someone else's thread, "my computer reboots, what's wrong?", and maybe even include a HJT log.
Very True! Plus once they get the answer they were looking for, they leave and never contribute anything else. I believe just about everyone has something positive to contribute in some small way or another. :top:

Then there are the new ones that come on and act as if they are the "Ultimate Computer Messiah" and everyone else is either wrong or an idiot. :saint:

Several of us here have some strong opinions about certain things regarding computers, myself included. I also know that I do come across, at times, as a pompous ass. At least I know my shortcomings... I think. :alberteinstein:


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I wasn't flaming you Dave, I was seriously asking how you could say you support both posts when, as I read them, they are of opposite views. You have answered it. I apologize for any confusion.

And Digerati, whenever I read your posts they tend to hit me as negative so, maybe I read more into your post than I should have and I got defensive. Your last post above hit me as sincere and the last paragraph is definitely true, especially about posting in someone else's thread. I have removed my flame and I apologize to you as well.


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
I have removed my flame and I apologize to you as well.
No problem. I don't try to be negative, BTW - just frank and "matter of fact". That comes from years of doing technical writing where emotion has no place. But also, I often join threads where I see misinformation being presented, and sadly, I see that way too often. And frankly, I get upset when I see it? Why? Because, if there is one thing I've learned over the years it is that there is always more to learn, and things, including technologies, change. I post my credentials in my sig and my MVP badge with pride because I worked for them and earned them. So I make it a point to be right because I hate it when I'm wrong - and there's always someone out there trying to prove me wrong. With nearly 40 years working this IT stuff - 7 "working" the forums, I know a lot about computers, and so perhaps I am a pompous ass. But I am not so arrogant to think I cannot be wrong so I check my facts, I wear out Google, I including supporting links when necessary and I even run a spell check on my posts before posting. And so I get upset when I see wrong information presented when a simple Google search in the first place would have prevented it.

It's a good idea, but we, as responders, just cannot assume the system specs listed are for the computer in question. It may result in us giving wrong advice and that only delays, at best, the fix. I would suggest a READ THIS FIRST!sticky at the top of each forum, but we all know that does not work either. People still post HJT logs where they don't belong. Or hijack threads with their own problem.


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks, Trainable. No problem here - buried.


Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
I'd also like to see some new members post the required information - however, I'm not keen on forcing users to fill out the system specs for many of the reasons outlined already in the thread - primarily the specs may not relate the PC with a problem and it would add to the registration process and limit some people registering.

Even with a "read me first" post, most new users will jump in with both feet and post anyway - those that do read it would probably fill in the specs already ;).

What I could do is make a notice appear for users with zero posts which provides them with some simple information on how to get started on the forums, where to post questions and what would enable them to get the best help. This would disappear after the 1st post automatically and users familiar with forums could just close the notification box with a single click. I'll have a look in to it this week and see what can be done to help new users, without adding any additional burden or annoying advanced forum users. :)


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
where to post questions and what would enable them to get the best help.
Aren't they always going to get the "best" help here? ;) I assume you mean the right forum for the problem they are having, and what information they need to provide initially to minimize delays in getting that help faster.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score

After reading your post I will from this day forward have to question your judgement.

I maintain a list of 29 names ...
and I would have to say even if I upped it to 50 ...
I could never justify ...

adding Nicole Kidman to the list! :slug: ahhhhhh!


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score

After reading your post I will from this day forward have to question your judgement.

I maintain a list of 29 names ...
and I would have to say even if I upped it to 50 ...
I could never justify ...

adding Nicole Kidman to the list! :slug: ahhhhhh!
Well, all I can say is... one man's treasure is another man's trash! LOL! (At least she finally dumped T. Cruise.)

If Nicole Kidman is busy, then I'll settle for Charlize Theron! Woohoo!

Or... Gwyneth Paltrow

Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
I must ask why you are pointing a finger at someone because of their looks when you know nothing of their personality. I would much rather point a finger at a lesser attractive person than a total B_T_H.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
OK Charlize will be #30 - nice gams on the kid.

It seems you like 'em blonde; except for Uma Thurman all mine are brunettes (well Malin Akerman is normally blonde but I only like her as a brunette - see The Watchmen).

Gwyneth Paltrow, to me, seems sweet but not sexy.

And yes we may be misjudging them based on their movie roles and tabloid misinformation but as they are movie stars and sex symbols, hey that's what we do. If they have great personalities it will help when they aren't wearing the make-up :p BTW, it's not our FINGER that is pointing, that would be rude.

Oh and Nibs, I think current Mrs Cruise, Katie is much hotter than the ex. She has an air about her, even in sweats with the babies she is class.
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Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
Actually Strawberry Blondes aka Redheads, except for Charlize.

@C_C -
I must ask why you are pointing a finger at someone because of their looks when you know nothing of their personality. I would much rather point a finger at a lesser attractive person than a total B_T_H.
I'm not sure if you're referring to me or TM.

Plus I've never really thought about any of the three being a b_t_h.

Edit: Ms. Kidman has more talent, intelligence and overall panache that Cruise and Holmes ever thought of possessing. Plus the fact that Mr & Mrs Cruise are scientologists. (Don't get me started).

Ms. Theron is the most talented of the three though. Her work ethic, drive, intelligence and overall personality are very rare these days amongst celebs.
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
BTH - Babe to hold ???

Seriously, I don't text so I'm not big on acronyms. What is BTH?
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