Mini program crashes

Feb 12, 2010
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Hi, about a month ago I installed 2 programs that came with a computing magazine, the programs are PC Tools Registry Mechanic 8.0 and Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC 2009. After that, programs started having, what I can only describe as "mini crashes".
The program flashes (a couple of times I've caught it saying (Not Responding)) and it's really annoying.
The more of the CPU the program uses, the more often the crashes (except full screen games for some reason).
I undid the tweaks that SpeedUpMyPC 2009 did but I couldn't undo the changes Registry Mechanic did. But I did a system restore but it didn't help one bit.
From what I've already done, I can only assume it's something on the registry causing this annoyance, so is there a program I can use that can restore the registry to what it was or do I have to repair my Windows 7 install?


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