Microsoft Office 2013 stops working with BEX problem event name

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Apr 20, 2014
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I installed Microsoft Office 2013 in my HP Compaq 8510w. At the beginning, it worked fine. After few days, when I open Word, Excel, or Powerpoint programs, it works fine, but when I open a new document, it gives me a message telling me that the program has stopped.

This is the message's details:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: WINWORD.EXE
Application Version: 15.0.4601.1000
Application Timestamp: 530c796c
Fault Module Name: unknown
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: 0020d874
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
LCID: 1033
skulcid: 1033

Oddly, other programs, like Access, works fine. I tried to search for the problem, and I discovered that the issue was with the account I created. The problem was solved, but after two weeks, the problem came back again. I google it, and I read that the problem might caused by the DEP (Data Execution Prevention). One of the tips was to go to My Computer, to Properties, to Advanced System Setting, to Setting under the performance tag, Data Execution Prevention, and add the program to the exception list. Anyway, I tried to add the Word program, but it prevented me from doing that by telling me that I can not turn off the Data Execution Prevention for it.

Any tips? What I have to do in order to make it work? Is there a recovery tool for the DEP( May be the DEP is outdated that it prevents Microsoft from working)? Are there another causes for the problem?



Mar 1, 2012
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Have you tried this:
* Hold Windows key + R.
* Copy and paste, or type the following command in the Open box, and then press Enter:
Winword /safe
Do you have all the updates for Office 2013 Installed?
Apr 20, 2014
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The safe mode trick worked. It operate the programs in the safe mode, but it is very limited and somewhat slow. For checking the update, I dont know how to check it. I searched Microsoft Word for some icon for the update, but I didnt find it. I made troubleshooting for Microsoft Word and it says that there is a incompatibility issue between the program and the operating system. So, how can I check the updates? Do you have another ideas to make it work without the safe mode? How can I resolve the incompatibility issue?


Mar 1, 2012
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Below is from THIS Microsoft Web Page.

To check for Windows updates
  1. Open Windows Update by clicking the Start button
    . In the search box, type Update, and then, in the list of results, click Windows Update.

  2. In the left pane, click Check for updates, and then wait while Windows looks for the latest updates for your computer.

  3. If you see a message telling you that important updates are available, or telling you to review important updates, click the message to view and select the important updates to install.

  4. In the list, click the important updates for more information. Select the check boxes for any updates that you want to install, and then click OK.

  5. Click Install updates.

    Read and accept the license terms, and then click Finish if the update requires it.
    If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.


Mar 1, 2012
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Or another way:

1/ Start Word 2013
2/ Click the File menu -> Account.
3/ Click on "Update Options."
4/ Click on "Update Now"
Apr 20, 2014
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Unfortunately, the update trick didnt work. My computer and Micorsoft Office are up to date. I have one idea. Maybe, because my computer is old, it defines the new Microsoft Office 2013 as an malware, so it stops it from working. I searched the BEX problem, and I got that it is may be caused by The Data Execution Prevention (DEX). The DEX is not supported by Microsoft from 2011, so may be its definitions are old, and it defines Mircosoft Office as an malware.

Please search for the BEX problem, and you will see what I am talking about.

How can I define Microsoft Office as a non-malware for the BEX? please, any ideas?
Oct 31, 2014
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I have the same error and have no success. Have you resolved your issue?
Specifically, I have home and student 2013 with excell, power point, word, one note etc.
I can open everything and they are fine except word ,as soon as I start to type, the error shows look for problem or close.. FRUSTRATING.
BTW, This is a new install on a new computer, 4 days ago.
Thanks ahead of time,
All the best,


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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jepster, maybe try the Fix-it for Word

Every post I find regarding this issue is unsolved. The fact is, it is likely some incompatibility with drivers, maybe even your anti-virus software drivers, on your computer. I would start by making sure you have all your drivers up-to-date. What is the make/model of your computer? What A/V are you using? Does this cause an error DMP? If so, zip & upload it.
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Oct 31, 2014
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Hi, Appreciate your response. I agree, Seems strange none of these related questions are answered or solved!

I am a newbie and don't know all the tech talk, so here's what I do know.
I don't know what a DMP error.
Attached is the BEX event description if it helps. This attachment is what has been popping up after I click on word doc to type, and is the issue.
I am tethered to the internet, not using wifi.
Purchased Microsoft office home and student 2013 download. Seems excell, power point, and one note works, but word is the issue as noted.

All drivers are up to date. All programs are new downloads, nothing on it from old computers.The computer is 7 days old,
This description is from my invoice.
Made by Vision, model- Spectrum 2700, ,
intel i7 2.5ghz 6mb,
265 gb ssd,
Windows 7 premium 64 bit,
8gb ddr3 1600 (1x8gb),
8gb ddr-3 1600 notebook memory,
Realtec wifi B/G/N wireless card.
A/V is ESET Smart Security 8,

I did have Vision look at computer (they offer online support to see computer online) because it was crashing, 5 times in two days-had a blue screen and black screen windows error. seems it has been cured since.
They noted an issue about a driver and specifically asked about my HP 8600 printer. Seems the intel board insnt compatable with the HP printers thru the 3.0 ports, only 2.0 ports.( I may have accidentally plugged it in a 3.0! not sure but no crash since their diagnoses.BTW, It didn't start crashing right away when plugged printer in, but two days later.) Anyway, seems that issue has been fixed.

Let me know if this helps you understand, and look forward to your response.
All the best,



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Is the error consistent, i.e. happens every time?

Try uninstalling ESET, not just disabling it (the drivers remain while off) and see if the problem stops.

Try running:
winword.exe /a
If that works then the issue may be related to an add-in because that option says don't run any add-ins.
Oct 31, 2014
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Disabled eset.
I now have Continual blue screen after black screen and they repeat same process after sign in.
the blue screen says a device driver is attempting to corrupt the system has been caught.
faulty driver is on the kernal stack (whatever that is) must be replaced.
Screen says to switch to safe mode and Ican get on line, obviously.FYI...maybe normal I don't know
bottom of blue screen says it is dumping physical memory,
Is there any blue screen info to relay to help you further?

tried windows office to see if issues persists, and it did not allow windows to open. Instead, a pop up box said there was an error and search for fix. I did and it was a 1084-4 code.
It recommended to uninstall office 2103 and I did.
figured lets get to the bones and start over.
I am without eset and office currently, very frustrated and hope this isn't a disaster!
The problem isn't any better after removing eset or office 2013 at this point.
Please advise as I am totally screwed being a newbie w a new computer.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Start by trying the ESET Removal Tool.

But if problems persist then ... do you have a restore partition or restore disks? Since you mention going back to the bare-bones that may be a good idea because it sounds like the uninstall may have corrupted your registry. Back up your data to a flash drive or external hard drive and then restore your computer to factory settings. This time do not install ESET. Install office and see if everything works properly.

As for anti-virus you could use Microsoft Security Essentials for a few days till you are sure the system is stable.
Oct 31, 2014
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I am sorry, to clarify, I uninstalled the eset as suggested not disabled.
I then tried to install office and received a error 1084-16.
Will the eset removal tool even be an issue at this point?
If the eset removal removes any background stuff, if the typical uninstall proceedure i used leaves anything behind, please advise and II will do so.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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The ESET removal tool looks for pieces of several different A/V programs, so yes I suggest you go ahead and run it to see if it helps at all. And you might uninstall and reinstall Office.

But if none of that works I would reset the computer to factory and then install Office first and see if the error happens; if it doesn't then I would not install ESET.
Feb 1, 2015
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I found this helpful because i had the same problem and this solved it (BTW do the ctrl + r shortcut to get to the window to open in safe mode). I found this solution on Here it is:
Hi all,
Solved this problem by running Excel and Word individually in safe mode and then disabling a 'COM addin' (not a microsoft addon).
Run excel in safe mode by going to start->assessories->run prompt
type in
excel /safe [ note space between excel and the /]
in excel select file options and click on manage com addins
Hope this helps you.
Jun 13, 2015
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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Echoracer2001 for posting the disabling of COM Add-in suggestion to this blog.. I also experienced the Problem Event Name: BEX error immediately after installing Office 2013 and attempting to run MSWord and Excel.

The fix worked wonderfully. For WINWORD I disabled the COM Add-in “ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Sprint MSWord COM Add-in” and for EXCEL I disabled the COM Add-in “ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Sprint Excel COM Add-in”. MSWord and Excel working like champs now. I appreciate your assistance.
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Jun 13, 2015
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After searching on ABBYY FineReader, I found this MS Support article discussing the resolution to the problem.
Problem: Office programs may crash with the FineReader add-in installed.
Microsoft Support Article ID: 2755838

If you have ABBYY FineReader installed and receive one of the following errors while either starting or using an Office program:
  • Microsoft Excel 2013 has stopped working
  • Microsoft Outlook 2013 has stopped working
  • Microsoft Word 2013 has stopped working
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 has stopped working
  • Microsoft Publisher 2013 has stopped working
You might also see this error when you try to start Microsoft Outlook:
  • Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window.
You might be seeing the above error messages because the version of your ABBYY FineReader add-in is outdated. Let's check and see if that's what's causing your problem. To do that, we're going to disable the add-in by running your Office program in Safe mode:

Starting an Office application in the Safe mode

  1. Exit any running Office programs.
  2. To start your Office application in Safe Mode, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Run in Windows 7, go to your Start screen in Windows 8, type one of the following commands:
    • Type excel /safe and press Enter to start Excel 2013
    • Type outlook /safe and press Enter to start Outlook 2013
    • Type winword /safe and press Enter to start Word 2013
    • Type powerpnt /safe and press Enter to start PowerPoint 2013
    • Type mspub /safe and press Enter to start Publisher 2013
  3. If the Office program runs normally, continue on to the next section: Disabling the ABBYY FineReader add-in".
    If the Office application doesn’t start in Safe Mode, the add-in is not causing a problem.
Disabling the ABBYY FineReader add-in

  1. Keep the Office application running in the Safe Mode.
  2. Click File > Options > Add-Ins.
  3. Next to the Manage list, click Go.
  4. Uncheck the ABBYY FineReader add-in and click OK.
  5. Restart the application (not in Safe Mode this time).
If the Office application starts, the add-in is causing the problem. Visit the ABBYY FineReader website.

to find out if there’s an updated version you can install. If there isn’t a newer version or if you don’t need to use the add-in you can leave it unchecked or remove it from your PC.

If the Office application doesn’t start, the problem isn’t related to the add-in. Go to the Need more help? section to learn about other reasons why this may happen.

I hope this solves your problem.
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Jul 21, 2016
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so i've received this error messages through out my MS programs after installing

"Bluetooth Driver Ver."

so i've basically UNINSTALLED the PROGRAM and all the Drivers that included in the package...


voila --- Problem solved After You Restart the system...


I think the ERROR OCCURS because of a Faulty Driver
or one of the programs You've installed Recently.
So Try Uninstalling that Program and Try to restart to
check if the problem still occurs.

i'm not a tech and it's just a Hunch, but it works for me ---
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