"Kaye Payne" wrote in message
I have just received my new computer. How do I send a picture attached
Delete the photo email, create a new one, and try to send it again.
Server: 'mail.bigpond.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8CCC0003
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
to Windows Live Mail.
Kaye Payne
Error 0x8CCC0003 seems to be pointing at a non-Hotmail or non-Live email
account configured in Windows Live Mail that attempts to send an email with
pictures or photo albums.
When Windows Live Mail sends pictures and albums, it automatically generates
a photo album in Windows Live SkyDrive which is another service of Windows
Live. This becomes a problem for non-Hotmail or non-Live accounts configured
in Live Mail because their account can't connect to SkyDrive for the albums
to be created.
I'd recommend that your neighbour attach the files using Insert > Single
Photo in the ribbon menu. He can still select multiple photos using that
command but it won't be sent as an album, or an album won't be created in
Windows Live SkyDrive.
Another way is to attach the photos. It won't display the photos in the
email, but it will be sent as attachments to the email
Adding a Hotmail or Live account to your Windows Live Mail setup seems to
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