Seth said:
Check the properties of the adapter.
- Go to the Network and Sharing Center
- Change adapter settings
- Right click on the wired adapter (usually labeled "Local Area
Connection") and choose properties.
- Click the "Configure" button
- Go to the "Advanced" tab
- Check your speed and duplex settings there. Either change to "Auto"
which works fine the majority of the time, or hard code the desired speed
and duplex settings.
Thanks Seth, I tried to change settings following your advice, returning
them to defaults when they didn't work.
Each change seems to not make any difference, then I found the test
connection button and ran it, it reports:
connection test passed
obtained IP address from DHCP
Ping passed
Link speed 10Mbps. The link partner is not capable of higher speeds.
This is most strange because the router at the other end of this wire sends
at 100 to other PCs when plugged in to the same socket, and this win7 did
see 100 too when I last checked it.
No errors show in device manager for the onboard one.
Is it likely if I buy a new network adapter adaptor card it will run at full
speed and ignore the motherboard one?