Thanks....But as is too often the case, the programmers obviously don't USE
the program! If they did, they would see the advantage of things like
keeping the search pane open for subsequent searches of the same file in
different folders. The XP search function did that. Apparently, back then,
programmers actually USED the programs they were programming. I guess that's
asking too much in this economy!
"Paul" wrote in message
I try to avoid third party apps when something is available in Windows,
but some included items just don't cut it. Two things I always add when I
install Windows are a text editor and a search program. My search
program of choice is Agent Ransack, which does what you ask and much,
much more.
I think the OP wants to keep the Start menu open, so more than
one "search for programs" can be achieved. Start isn't pinned, so
tends to disappear after one task is done.
But if Start menu were to be pinned, it would sit in front of other items,
so that would tend to obscure things behind it. I expect that's why they
it to disappear after one program is launched.
That is different, than the "explorer search for files" kind of search,
for which there are a few solutions (Agent Ransack being one of them).
There are also programs, which mess about with the Start menu, things
like a Classic Menu, but I doubt a Classic Menu would be a complete
win for this job.