internal connection failure

Oct 1, 2012
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I am having two problems with my Windows 7/Microsoft Office 10
1) I am unable to attach a photograph to e-mail in Windows. e.g. I right click on the photograph, select ‘Send to recipient’, select size, select ‘attach’ and then nothing happens. Previously, the e-mail opened with my photograph attached. I have some very large photo-files (4 – 6mb) which need to be re-sized by windows before being attached to Outlook
2) When clicking on a hyperlink in an e-mail (or on a website), I get a message ‘This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator’. I am the administrator of this stand-alone computer. How do I deactivate the feature so that I can activate hyperlink?
Until three months ago, both features worked well
I have tried the solutions offered by Ramesh 2007 and 8th Sept 2012 and none work.
Could there be something in Windows 7 which prevents me making changes?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
My standard recommendation when something that had been working a long time suddenly stops: step 1 check for viruses.
- Download TDSSKiller and RKill from our Freeware DB (if necessary, download these using another computer and store them on a flash/thumb drive)
-reboot into safe mode without network support
-run TDSSKiller (do not reboot/exit safe mode)
-run RKill (again, do not reboot/exit safe mode)
-run a complete virus scan
Now if you are clean you can reboot into normal mode.

Now assuming it isn't a virus, your first issue attaching. Are you in webmail or Microsoft outlook or what? Screenshots would be helpful so we can see (just be sure to cover up personal information before posting). Many mail programs have size restrictions on attachments, if your picture is too big it may simply ignore it.

As for part 2, I would like the results of virus scan & the screenshots of where you are getting these problems first.
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for speedy response
1) We have run several virus cleaning programmes
2) The pictures are not too large
3) Microsoft Outlook
4) Screen shots. No idea how to post these. However, the text of the screenshots are in my original query


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I use Outlook 2007 and from what I can find in the help it says there is no attachment size limit but that your ISP may apply a limit when you go to send it, so I have no idea why it wouldn't allow you to attach.

As for attaching screenshots, you have to hit the "go advanced" button and then hit the paperclip icon to upload attachments, but since you said it is in Microsoft Outlook I really don't need them. Many users do not know if they are using webmail or a mail application locally on their PC so a screenshot helps. I thought it might be webmail like Hotmail and I know Hotmail automatically blocks attachments from unknown senders.

Outlook will automatically block certain types of attachments such as exes because they can contain a virus but other than that I have no idea why it would block links. And according to my documentation for Outlook 2007 you cannot disable this so a person would have to zip an exe or other executable in order to send it to you.

Hopefully someone else comes along with a brainstorm because I don't have any, sorry. :(

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