SOLVED Installation of Cyberlink PhotoDirector 4 Failing

Feb 25, 2013
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Hello All,
I've recently had some problems installing software, with the worst example being PhotoDirector 4 by CyberLink, which installs with no text appearing anywhere on the GUI. Other problems involve programs not appearing in the Start Menu, or appearing out of proper (alphabetical) order.

The first time this happened I ran various tests and found I had system files that were corrupt but couldn't be fixed (per the SFC report); after a failed attempt at repairing, and because it was a 4 year old used drive, I elected to replace it. This took care of the SFC scan problem (repeated runs of SFC came back with no problems), and the Windows Update Readiness Tool (SFC on steroids) also came back clean.

With SFC and WURT running clean I took an image of my hard drive at that point in time. A couple of days later I tried installing PhotoDirector and wound up with the interface without any text. I immediately ran both SFC and WURT tests expecting them to fail, but both came back with no errors found.

As a further attempt to resolve the problem, I used the backup image to restore my C:\ drive to the state it was in just after installing Windows 7 (SP1, 64 Bit Home Premium). No luck, PhotoDirector refuses to install properly. And as this is part of a larger giveaway I am aware that hundreds of people have successfully installed the program. I have downloaded the install file twice, each from different servers, all without a successful install. I don't know what else to try or look at for a potential solution.

Any help will be gratefully appreciated.



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I've never tried that product but I would make sure you right-click and run the installation "as an administrator". And before you try again it's probably a good idea to run Cyberlinks Cleaner Tool for that version.
Feb 25, 2013
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Thanks for replying TrainableMan. I am aware of their cleaner tool and the need to run it as an administrator (I've used both with no luck), but thought I'd try it again anyway. And the results were the same, run the install program, accept all default settings, finishes OK, but the GUI still has no text anywhere on it.

Any other thoughts?
Feb 25, 2013
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Sorry if I wasn't clear. The program appears to install fine - the installer goes through to Finish and all the text is visible as you go through the installation routines. But when the program's interface opens, there is no text in the dialog boxes, on the screen, under the photos that are displayed by default, nowhere on the program's interface. As to the patches they are for earlier builds than the one I have (mine is build 4317, the updates only go to build 3929).


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Have you tried a different color scheme? Like maybe the text is the same color as the background so you just can't see it?

Other than that I'd suggest you need to contact Cyberlink support.
Feb 25, 2013
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No I haven't tried a different color scheme. Because the interface shows up (is drawn) so I can see it, and there are outlines around dialog boxes that show up fine as well, I'm thinking that the problem lies elsewhere. As far as contacting CyberLink directly goes, I've done that and am waiting for a response; just thought if someone had had a similar experience, I might benefit from their knowledge.
Feb 25, 2013
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The problem has been solved! I had changed the system default fonts from Segoe to Trebuchet MS to ease the readability factor (per the tutorial in the Forums). But in changing that default font, it disrupted the program's spacing for its default font. Changing the font back to one of the standard system fonts solved the problem; in my case I used Lucida Console which helps but not as much as Trebuchet MS did. Solved with the help of the Cyberlink Forum.

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