In win 7 x64 sp1, how can I

Apr 10, 2011
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Hello, I want to burn pictures to a DVD to view my library of family pics on my TV, using my DVD player. If successful I can mail copies to some of my family members. Is there a program in Windows PRO 7 X64 SP1 or will I have to look at a third party program? Thank You in Advance.
Mar 8, 2009
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The closest thing to what you are asking about is an additional download. Basically the same as a third party application but since it's form Microsoft its often associated with Windows.

Windows Live Essentials
Photo Gallery tools help you organize and edit your photos, then share them online. Here's what you can do.

Create a panorama
Capture an entire mountain range in a single photo—select the photos you want to use and Photo Gallery stitches them into a panorama for you.​
Merge shots with Photo Fuse
Did someone blink when the flash went off? Choose everyone’s best pose from several different shots, and Photo Fuse will merge them together into the perfect group photo.​

Slide show adventures
Show off your road trip or birthday party photos with a slide show that looks polished and professional. Choose your favorite theme and Photo Gallery puts it all together for you.​


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Many DVD players have the ability to display certain photo types on their own if they are in the proper format, for example a common format is .JPG (pronounced J-Peg).

But what you probably want to do is create a little movie. There is a movie maker in Windows Live Essentials that Clifford linked and basically you place the photos in a time line, you can even place music on the time line to play over it.

I have had some experience with Movie Maker and have found that it can take a very long time to render the movie and may even lock up if the movie gets too long; the limit on the machine I was working on was about 13 minutes of video so if you wish to make things longer than that you may need to consider buying a commercial product.
Apr 10, 2011
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Many DVD players have the ability to display certain photo types on their own if they are in the proper format, for example a common format is .JPG (pronounced J-Peg).

But what you probably want to do is create a little movie. There is a movie maker in Windows Live Essentials that Clifford linked and basically you place the photos in a time line, you can even place music on the time line to play over it.

I have had some experience with Movie Maker and have found that it can take a very long time to render the movie and may even lock up if the movie gets too long; the limit on the machine I was working on was about 13 minutes of video so if you wish to make things longer than that you may need to consider buying a commercial product.
I just want a slide show with the pictures (I hope that helps) forestlawn.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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As I said, it depends on the capabilities of the DVD player. The software in a computer is much different then a stand-alone DVD player. If you burn a disk filled with just pictures and put it in your stand-alone DVD player what happens? If it has built in encoders to handle the pictures then it may work just as you want. If not, then it never will, and your only option is to create movies of your photos. And if you do have a DVD player with encoders to process photos, it doesn't mean it will work that way in another person's DVD player. The only way to ensure it plays in any DVD player is to burn it like a movie.
Apr 10, 2011
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As I said, it depends on the capabilities of the DVD player. The software in a computer is much different then a stand-alone DVD player. If you burn a disk filled with just pictures and put it in your stand-alone DVD player what happens? If it has built in encoders to handle the pictures then it may work just as you want. If not, then it never will, and your only option is to create movies of your photos. And if you do have a DVD player with encoders to process photos, it doesn't mean it will work that way in another person's DVD player. The only way to ensure it plays in any DVD player is to burn it like a movie.
I have a Sony DVP-NC80V/B SACD DVD 5 disc Changer


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I have no idea. DVDs cost less than US$.25. So burn a DVD full of photos from your computer, then pop it in the DVD player. If it doesn't work at least you have a nice DVD back-up of your photos in case your computer ever crashes.
Apr 10, 2011
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OK I think its best if I just buy a third party app. Could someone recommend a good third party app to do what I've been posting about? TIA!


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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A third party app to do what? Apps go into computers or Smartphones, it's not like you can load one into a DVD Player.

You have two choices:
1. Make a movie of your pictures and burn it to a DVD. All DVD players can play movies, it's what they do. Windows Live Essentials Movie Maker can be used to take photos and drop them into a movie timeline so that they play like a slideshow. You can purchase programs to make movies but for something as basic as a photo slide show I think you would be wasting your money.

2. Use a DVD player with a built-in photo viewing/slide show application and burn a DVD full of JPG photos. It may support other formats but JPG is the most common photo extension. When you pop in the DVD full of JPG files, if the DVD Player has encoders to process them then it should give you options to display the pictures or maybe start a slide show.


You know newer TVs often have the ability to simply plug in an SD card full of pictures and they have the built-in software to then display them as a slide show. An SD card is basically the same principle as a flash drive, except it is the wide thin type that slips into a camera or into your Multimedia 15-n-1 readers in many desktop computers. So you use your computer to copy your JPG photos to an SD card and then you plug the SD card into a newer TV which has an SD slot. The digital picture frames work in a similar manner, you can plug the SD card into one of those.

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