I'm getting mad BSOD. i have no idea how to fix. someone plz help!!!!!

Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
so i'm getting alot of BSOD and the two most common are the System_service_ exception and IRQL_is_not_equal_or_less or something like those. can someone plz give me some step by step instructions?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
The problem is, there aren't step by step instructions because BSODs can be caused by so many things. You should read over this entire thread >>HERE<< for instructions on how to get BSOD help

It isn't exactly step-by-step but it does suggest a good number of ideas you should try and problems you should rule out. Most importantly start with a virus scan and then try updating your BIOS and Drivers from the computer or motherboard manufacturers website. Also if you are not running Service Pack 1 then you must upgrade to that.

Both of those are very important but if none of that works, we do not have any active BSOD debugging regular posters at the moment so you might want to post your zipped up DMP files on another forum.

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