IE11 problems

Oct 4, 2014
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Hay guys.

I have problems with IE11.
I had some virus on my PC, so I made cleanup … and registry cleanup.
But obviously something too much was deleted.

I have IE installed, but some pages reminds me that I do not have the latest IE installed. (even when I click the link, it redirect me to IE installer which is telling me that I have the tallest (ie11) installed).
Also when I’m in Gmail for instance, I do not have the latest “window in window” options for composing mails, etc.. So it also do not recognize that I actually have the IE11.

I have tried everything I founf on the web.
I uninstall IE11, I uninstall IE10 from windows update options (but you cannot fully uninstall IE or delete folders from Program files). I also try command prompt uninstall:
FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*11.*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:mad:fname /norestart"

I tried various Win fixes, etc… but no success.
After all uninstall options I reinstall IE11 with success, but its not working like it should (be recognized by some pages or Gmail.)

I also reset all IE11 settings to default.

Is there any help??

One thin I noticed. When going to developer mode (F12) I can select “Document mode” to “Edge” and “user agent string to IE10, then sites are displaying correctly. But I cannot make this settings permanent. When I gou out they change to “defult” values, for which I suggest they are wrong (IE8 and custom, etc…)


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Honestly, if you can't locate a restore point prior to the problems then my best recommendation is to back up all your data and completely reinstall because once the registry is corrupted it is hard to know what is missing/changed.

Yes, it may take a day or two to reinstall all your programs and catch up on all the windows updates but you have probably spent that long dealing with the problem already. Once you have reinstalled the OS and programs you might want to consider creating an image on a backup drive so that should you ever find your self in a similar situation you could easily restore your system files in less than an hour. Then keep periodic backups of your data as well so you have your complete system easily recoverable in an hour or two.

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