No, I used XP Pro from sometime in 2001, shortly after it was released until last November when I bought this desktop with Windows 7 preinstalled. I enjoyed my years using XP Pro, but decided after 8 years, it was time for a change. No one pays me anything. Look, this is a Windows 7 forum. I understand that you want your printer to work with your network. But you have a large XP network here, there may be a way to pull this off, I don't know. I simply thought you wanted to get your printer working with Windows 7. Your whole home computing system is based on XP, that's your choice, it's your home, if you're happy with XP, that's fine. I'm not shoving 7 down your or anyone else's throat. Look, you do have one last possible option. Are you familiar with virtual machines (VM's)? You can run a virtual copy of XP within your laptop, this may allow you to print wireless, because it blends in with your network. Go to the forum interface, that black bar with all of the fourm's options. Click Search, make sure "threads" are checked, then type in "vm lite", w/o the quotes, hit "go". Go down to about the 11 or 12th thread, there is a thread titled "XP Mode in Windows 7 w/o Hardware Virtualization". On the first post of the thread, the instructions are there. You do have to register for the first download (it's free), you want the VMLite Workstation. The second file is XP Mode. You install the first download (VMLite). Then, you have an option on how to install XP Mode into it. You don't even have to burn a disc. You just point the installer to the file (in your downloads) or you can burn a disc, if you want. What you will have in an XP Pro SP3 virtual machine on your Windows 7 laptop. If later you decide you don't want it, you simply delete everything. The best thing to do is create a restore point before doing anything, you can go back and use your restore point you created to delete it. But this is your best shot at what you want to achieve. It's for when programs that worked with XP or below won't work with Windows 7. Steve, I know you're frustrated, I'm doing all I can to help you. If you have the time, please give this a try, it's your best shot, you'll be in a familiar environment. I have done by best, if this doesn't work, I don't know what else to offer you. Best of luck to you.