How Windows 7 has become the fastest selling OS: Partners


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
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From: WindowsSteamBlog 10-28-2010

Last week we celebrated Windows 7’s first birthday, and today we want to acknowledge the companies that helped make Windows 7 the most quickly adopted operating system – our ecosystem of OEMs, chip makers, systems integrators, ISVs and IHVs.

Thanks to early and continued engagement from companies that build PCs, create software apps and develop hardware devices, Windows 7 is now running on more than 16 percent of all PCs worldwide. Throughout development, Windows partners worked with us to ensure the right tools and resources would be ready when Windows 7 was released. That commitment helped us hit the ground running with the compatible applications and drivers that customers need and has allowed businesses to adopt Windows 7 more quickly and easily.

We also encouraged partners to try Windows 7 themselves, first as beta testers and then as early adopters. Not surprisingly, many of our partners are also our biggest customers. They’re making significant progress in their deployments and are now talking about the benefits they are realizing from increased productivity, enhanced security and reduced costs. We asked several of these partners to participate in case studies so other enterprise customers could learn from these companies best practices:

  • Windows 7 working in conjunction with Intel’s vPro technology provided benefits at Intel – its early adoption has helped maximize user productivity, increase energy efficiency, security, and manageability. Take a look at Intel’s early engagement.
  • Systems integrator Modularis deployed Windows 7 to their employees before helping Vernon Hills’ Police Department deploy Windows 7 in their patrol cars.
  • Citrix migrated to Windows 7 in just three months by taking advantage of the operating system’s device compatibility and native support for desktop virtualization. Today, Citrix has reduced its desktop images from 36 to 2, cut desktop image management by 25 percent, and avoided annual contractor costs of more than two hundred thousand dollars.
These companies are a driving force behind Windows 7 success and we thank them for their contributions in making Windows 7 the fastest selling OS on the market and as it becomes the new standard for commercial PCs.

For more information on Windows 7 for large, medium or small businesses, check out our business site, or read more enterprise company case studies or SMB case studies. We also have a resource dedicated to IT professionals: the Springboard Series on TechNet offers information, tools and guidance for migrating to Windows 7.


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