Hi Desi. Perhaps this is what you are wanting:
If you are wanting to make a clean Install of Windows XP on another partition of your hard drive, just go ahead with the install, in the usual way.Make sure that you do, of course, install on another partition!
I am assuming Windows 7 is installed on ‘C’ partition.
When you restart, you will boot into Windows XP, as XP writes its bootloader over Windows 7. So, now you will have to restore the Win 7 bootloader.
To restore 7, you need to Boot from the Windows 7 DVD and, when it gets to the options window, “
Repair your computer”. select the start up repair option.
After repairing, your computer will restart and boot into Windows 7.
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Finally, download and Install
EasyBCD on your Windows 7 to add a boot entry for XP.
To do this:
Launch EasyBcd and go to
Add/Remove Entries.
Under “Add an Entry” open the Windows tab and select the Type as “Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3”.
Give it a name you fancy ( Windows XP ? ) and click on ‘Add Entry’. Then select
Restart you computer and you’ll should then have two boot choices, Windows 7 and Windows XP. .