One solution is to use an IMAP mail server. OE supports IMAP. If your
email program of choice on your new Windows 7 computer does, too, you
can copy all your old folders and messages to the IMAP server, and then
connect to it on the new machine.
Am I correct in understanding that I can:
. on Windows XP I set up a new username USERNEW
. I backup all of my OE email from my normal user name USERNORMAL
(using software I already have.)
. I logon to USERNEW and use the backup to "restore" all of my email
to USERNEW's Outlook Express stuff.
. I find an IMAP server SERVERTEMP and connect USERNEW's Outlook
Express it SERVERTEMP. (IMAP gets everything to the SERVERTEMP
. Then, using Windows 7 and my new email program MAILNEW
(which supports MAP and POP), I temporarily use IMAP and SERVERTEMP
get all of my email into my USERNORMAL
. I then switch the stuff in MAILNEW so that I use my normal POP
What happens to the header, read in reply information?
Will my messages that I read on in 1999 still say that,
or will they look like they were downloaded from Gmail in 2011?
What happens to the "message read", "message acknowledged" and
"message has been replied to" flags?
(I want to POP not IMAP in normal use because I do NOT want
things to synch up automatically. [Am I wrong about how IMAP works?
can I set my mail up so that a client doesn't affect the server
or other clients?]
I need all of my machines to
have local copies of all of the messages that I am saving. And, I
am unreliable enough so that I need to download and delete or file
each message 2 or 3 times. I also don't want loose all of my
messages on all machines when my "smartphone" decides that it
is going to delete all of my email messages for no known reason.
I also need to be able to delete messages from the server without
affecting any of the clients.)
Thanks to everyone for the information.
Further issues:
Does Windows Live Mail work without being connected to the web?
In particular, can all of my mail be stored locally?
Which mail programs running on Windows 7 support POP and IMAP and
allow me to save individual email messages with attachments outside
of the normal mail stuff? (So I can click on the saved message and
see the contents no matter what username I am using and without using