SOLVED Had a call today from "Microsoft" - Yeah Right! Beware!


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Some guy called the house here today. He had an Indian or Pakistani accent to his English. He said he worked for Microsoft and that I was generating errors and may have a virus. He asked if I was in front on my computer now.

I think his plan was to give me a URL which would either give me a virus or say I had one.

I just said "Microsoft doesn't call it's customers" and I hung up.

Probably the same BS scam they were doing in Europe but I'm amazed it hit my little town. I would figure they would go with a big city phone book.


Post Quinquagenarian
Microsoft MVP
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
I think his plan was to give me a URL which would either give me a virus or say I had one.
This scam has been going around for awhile. They have no clue if you have a computer or not, they just assume every household does. In my area, similar people assume everyone lives in a house that needs new siding and new windows.

What they typically do is ask to gain remote access to your computer - then they ruin your life.

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