Stan said:
No one knows why, but Google Groups has chosen not to index this
Since Google goes to great lengths to insulate itself from input by
mere users, there's really no fix.
I suppose one might write a paper letter to Google's legally
registered headquarters building.
Alt.Windows7.General isn't that widespread a group.
In principle, a control message has to be sent, to get an alt group
added to more servers. Like that's going to work. It might very
well take a paper letter, to breach the walls at Google.
Google does appear to honor control messages for the Big-8,
and you may find previously existing groups that have been
assigned an "archived" status on Google. That means no new
articles can be added to the archive. I don't know right off
hand, if there are any examples of groups being added to the
Big-8, for which Google added them. Alt is not controlled
like the rest of the Big-8, it's anarchy. And with Google's
lack of a public interface, the odds of reaching anyone in charge
are slim.