Flash Player

Jul 18, 2010
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I tried to log onto you tube & it told me that I had to install the latest version of Flash Player. I followed the steps & my computer showed the download was succesful, however could still not access any videos on you tube or several other sites. I was then informed that it was because my system was running on a 64-bit driver, & Flash Player, along with other sites are running on a 32-bit. I am not sure what to do. I would like to be able to acces Flash Player, however not sure if changing to a 32 bit will affect my system or how to install it.
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hello Crystal,

I'm also running Win7 64-bit OS and have been using the 32-bit flash driver without any issues. Adobe is supposedly working on a 64-bit flash driver, although they haven't released it yet.

To ensure a clean installation, I would recommend uninstalling whatever version of flash that you downloaded before, then start from the beginning -

You can download the current version of flash here .. http://www.adobe.com/go/getflash. Be sure to uncheck "Free McAfee Security Scan Plus"

After you finish installing it, make sure it is up to date by visiting this link .. http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/index.html
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
If you use the 32bit version of your favorite browser it will run in the 64bit OS and 32bit flash will work. Currently 64bit flash is only working in linux.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Crystal, welcome to the forum! You can run Flash in whatever 32 bit browser you choose to use. Right now, there's not a Flash Player for Windows 64 bit browsers.

My question is why? Most Linux 64 bit OS's has Adobe Flash, and contrary to some reports that Linux users doesn't mind a substandard product, this isn't true. 64 bit Flash works perfectly fine in Mint & Ubuntu. I don't know what the deal is with them not supporting Windows 64 bit browsers, a few months back, I was quite upset over the matter, but finally accepted that someday, we'll have it.

Hopefully, the newer technology, HTML 5, will be even better than Flash would be, it's around the corner for us in the not too distant future.

But in any case, it's not worth downgrading to 32 bit to get, you already have the 32 bit version now. Should you need further assistance with this matter, always feel free to post, there's plenty of knowledgeable people here, eager to help those in need.



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dave, That reads, IMHO, like Adobe found a security hole big enough to drive a truck through with their 64-bit flash.

Anyway Crystal, that is why most everyone uses a 32-bit browser on their 64bit Win7 OS.

Just FYI, most virus/malware protection out there is also only supporting the 32bit version so if you use a 64bit browser with 32bit antivirus software, you have no malicious script protection from websites (and once a virus/rootkit makes it down to your harddrive it may be difficult for your Antivirus to detect and often even harder to eliminate.)
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
One more suggestion Crystal - After you have installed the flash driver, be sure to look over your flash player settings, just to make certain that they are to your liking. Adobe has a "unique" (sarcasm implied) method of storing flash data on the end user's OS, most of the time without prior notification, so if you do not wish for this to be the case, you can change some or all of the settings from the online GUI located here:

Flash Player Settings Manager .. http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html
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