first install

Feb 6, 2014
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HI,I have not done installation before,but i ran into some problems right away PC would acknowledge the DVD that i put into the player tried starting with DVD already in player no go,tried with DVD being put into player after turning on PC no go.
Went into BIOS to see boot order that DVD player was first inline then HDD and they were the same as always.
One thing i did by accident and am not really how it happened but some how i managed to lock myself out of the F-12 boot
application because when i click on it,it goes to what i believe is the name of the MOBO.
I also can not use safe mode to do a system restore,will try in the mean time to get another PC to see if WIN7 DVD is good.
any ideas would be appreciated,thanks


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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You definitely can not put the DVD in after it boots for an installation. You must have a bootable W7 installation DVD (if you burned the DVD yourself then verify it is bootable and not just a single ISO file on a DVD). Your system must be set to check the DVD before it checks the hard drive(s) so that the OS on the DVD loads and the boot order is controlled by the settings in your BIOS.

You mention F12 on boot which I assume is how you normally access your system BIOS. If you locked yourself out of the BIOS then you will first need to find the MOBO specifications and read the documentation as to the proper pins to short (you simply touch both pins with the head of a screwdriver) in order to reset the BIOS to factory (which also restores it to the default BIOS password).
Feb 6, 2014
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HI,TrainableMan,Sorry i have not got back to you sooner,but my PC stopped working as i was trying to install new OS and it is not getting any better,it will boot even to original HDD.
These are my PC spec's (DELL E 521,3.0 CPU,4GB'S OF RAM,GT 610 GPU.
I did M/S scan to check to see if my PC could run WIN 7 and said it would run it.
I am working with someone on another forum checking why i can even get original HDD to start up.
I am locked out of the F-12 boot menu option,can go into F-2 and set up boot order and thats as far as i can get.
The WIN 7 DISK is a legal copy of a PC builders disk.
Is it possible that when i tried to install new OS and did it wrong that it damaged something in side my PC.
I even bought a new CMOS battery last nite did the reset option,went into BIOS and reset everything that needed resetting,put DVD player first,then HDD,any ideas would be appreciated thank you.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I suggest you disconnect all hard drives, and with the W7 DVD in the drive, boot the machine. Without any hard drive it will have no choice but to boot from the DVD if the DVD is a correctly formatted boot disk. Obviously this will not allow you to install W7 but if it boots up to the W7 Installation menu with no hard drive attached then you can be pretty sure the W7 DVD is OK.
Feb 6, 2014
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HI,TrainableMan,The disk that i have came straight from M/S so it should be good,i did not know that you could just put the disk in and it would run without any HDD'S hooked up i will put PC back together and see where i end up not much hope for PC though.
I spent all day yesterday working with someone on another forum checking out why my PC would not start up and we believe now it may be the MOBO,besides i think WIN 7 will run better with a newer and updated PC,THANK YOU
Feb 6, 2014
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HI,TrainMAN,I did as you suggested and all i got out of it was 3 lights on front of PC and DELL manual says there is a fault somewhere in
I probably did not need to do it but i went into setup and made sure DVD player was first boot option still no WIN 7 on screen i am using my last two brain cells and it hurts,looks like a newer PC is in the future,thanks for the help.
One last thing is there is a tool called a POST card and when i started researching them there is a lot of them out there and getting the right one is problem any suggestions on what may be cost effective,thanks


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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A post card tester? I've never tried one, don't really see the need, so I don't know what to suggest there.

If your computer won't boot to a W7 DVD then my best guess is a problem with the DVD or the DVD-ROM drive. Have you tried putting the DVD in another computer and see if W7 comes up there?

Was it working before you tried to install W7? If so, was it XP or Vista?
Feb 6, 2014
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The PC i tried install the WIN 7 was working good i thought about putting DVD in the other E 521 we have was not sure what i would start. if i just put it in the other E 521 nothing will happen until i try to complete the installation is that right.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Correct, just boot to it and see if you can get to the installation menu, just don't actually start the install.
Feb 6, 2014
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HI,TrainableMan, I put the WIN 7 disk into my sons PC and i got a message that his PC was not capable of running WIN 7 so that i believe is telling me that the disk is good i never anything like that on my PC


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Afraid I don't know what else to suggest. Often times being able to actually see/touch the device can help so at this point I would probably suggest a local PC repair place or if you have a techie friend that could take a look.

Maybe others will come along with more ideas.

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