SOLVED Explorer Pane & Q/L Icons Haven't Changed.

Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
This is the first time I've come across this and was just wondering if I've forgotten something (its been a while). My usual routine when changing system files for visual effects is to first Take Ownership and re-name the system file. I then paste the replacements in the System32, SysWOW64 or Windows folders as required.

I then run CCleaner, delete the icon cache, run Disk Clean to empty the thumbnails cache and then re-boot.


Usually this works but this time the Explorer Pane and Quick Launch haven't changed, but the registry has! Any ideas on what daft thing I forgot to do??

N.B. If I go to the Quick Launch folder the icons are displaying properly, apart from List style views (i.e. 16sq icons).

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Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score

They've just changed on last re-boot!

I must have more patience.
I must have more patience.
I must have more patience.
I must have more patience.
I must have more patience.
I must have more.............

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