Dave said:
That's good to know. Although I have no use for the scripts at the
moment, I could probably learn some useful procedures. I am NOT a Perl
The ActiveState PERL package is available separately. I have this loaded
into a virtual machine, for some little project I was working on. So
parts of this, are probably responsible for some of the EXIFTOOL files.
You can find all sorts of tutorial files, for one purpose and another.
I was testing PERL, to see whether it could handle a long file name
By installing the ActiveState package, and keeping the set of scripts
from an EXIFTOOL scripts download, you could probably run it without
unpacking stuff every time.
I bought two books on PERL years ago, which is the only reason
for using PERL - because I have references to look stuff up in.
I find PERL is too powerful for doing simple things, and it
takes too long to figure out how to do stuff. Still, it's a useful
skill to have, if you figure it all out.
printf("this is a test\n");
$a = "0123456789";
$b = $a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a.$a ;
$b = $b . "0123456.txt" ;
open(OUT, ">>$b") || die("Cannot create file");
use Cwd;
$c = getcwd ;
printf("%s/%s\n", $c , $b );
$c = $c . "/" . $b ;
printf("Length of full file path is %d\n", length $c );
#rename( $b , $a ); # Uncomment this line, to rename the longfilename file
It's loads of fun, to play around. Using it in a virtual machine,
"nobody gets hurt"