SOLVED Elevation??

Aug 27, 2012
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I hope someone can help me with this.
I have tried several times to open spreadsheets I created using Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1. Each time, I get the box I've attached a screenshot of. I have been trying suggestions (for the past 2 weeks) from Apache on how to fix this problem. Their last suggestion was to go to a Windows forum and see if I could find help. I've managed to open 3 sheets using Microsoft
Excel and can open 12 more without having to enter a product code. It came installed on my laptop so, I don't have one. Since Excel won't let me edit anyway, I don't plan on using them after this. I still have several more spreadsheets that I need to be able to access on a regular basis.
Does anyone know how to fix this?? At this point, I'm ready to try anything as long as it doesn't require unstalling and reinstalling. I've already done that several times. No luck.



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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bassfisher is correct, requires elevation means it needs administrator privileges.

But I am confused, why don't you just use Apache Open Office if you have that and it was used to create them? Are you clicking on Excel? on open office? or on the spreadsheet itself? Or are you still trying to install the Apache Open Office on this computer?

If you click on the spreadsheet and it is associated with Excel then it attempts to open the file with Excel. So if that is what you are doing then it would be a good idea to change the association of that filetype to your Apache open office.

So a little more detail would be helpful so we can not only answer your question but maybe also improve things so it works more like you would hope.
Aug 27, 2012
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I don't have a problem opening the app. I can't open any of the spreadsheets created on Apache without getting the box saying elevation is required. I've tried left-clicking on the spreadsheet but, there's not an option to run as administrator.
Since I created the sheets on Apache OpenOffice, I've been trying to open them without any luck. I had to use Excel to open some of the sheets in order to save a screenshot onto Paint so I don't lose the information I have on them. I plan on pasting them onto a new spreadsheet if Apache ever gets all the problems with their current version worked out. Excel only gives 15 free times of opening anything on it before you have to enter a product code (I don't have one) and it won't let me edit the spreadsheets. I don't plan on using them after this.
The spreadsheets already have administrator privileges. I've been using OpenOffice since 2005 and never had any problems opening anything created until the 3.4 version came out.
I posted my request on this forum because Apache suggested it after they weren't able to help me in the three weeks I've been dealing with them.
I'm not sure what other details to include, unless you're needing to know what I've tried so far.
At this point, I have: 1) Checked to make sure "All Users" was selected as being able to open the spreadsheets. It was..unable to open sheets. 2) Unchecked "All Users" and made sure Administrator was checked instead. Still no luck. 3) Made sure both selections were checked. No luck. 3) Uninstalled the program, refreshed computer, reinstalled program, restarted again. Still no luck.
The only thing I CAN do is open up the the app.
Apache apparently ran out of ideas on what to do after their suggestions on how to get by the elevation requirement failed to work and told me to check with someone on this forum.
Please let me know if there is any more information you need. I created the spreadsheets in order to do the bookkeeping required for running my boyfriend's business and need to be able to access them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Were these files created on a different computer? There is a small possibility you simply need ownership of the spreadsheets. To do that easily, download and install "Take Ownership" from our Freeware DB. Then right-click on each spreadsheet and choose Take Ownership from the context menu.

More likely, what you need to do is set the program to run as an administrator ...
I've tried left on the spreadsheet but, there's not an option to run as administrator.
It is a right-click to choose properties but this needs to be done to the program executable, not the spreadsheet. You need to locate the program executable in Program Files or Program Files (x86) and right-click. Choose Properties. Select the Compatibility tab. Check "run as an Administrator".
... In my example I used Excel but you need to set this for whichever program gives you the elevation error, as I am still not clear if you mean Excel or Open Office gives you this "needs elevation" error.

NOTE: Program files is normally a protected system folder and may even be hidden so you may have to lower UAC settings and set Windows Explorer options to show hidden/system files/folders just to do this. Be sure to set them back afterwards.
Aug 27, 2012
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The files were created on the laptop I'm currently using however, I have never had any problems opening spreadsheets created on OpenOffice on other computers until they came up with Version 3.4.
I'm assuming that, by saying I need to locate the program executable (??) in Program Files, I need to go to the Control Panel? I went there and tried right-clicking on OpenOffice in Programs and Features. The only options that came up were: Uninstall, Change and Repair. No options came up when I tried left-clicking on it.
OpenOffice is the one giving me the "needs elevation" response.
I have no idea what UAC settings are so, I don't know how to set them backwards (??) but, I don't believe the settings are the problem since I have never had a problem with OpenOffice before. I have been using it since 2005 without having to adjust any settings or set up any permissions. The problem, I feel, is with the 3.4 version that Apache came up with for OpenOffice. I never had any problems with Version 3.3 or any previous versions. Unfortunately, Apache doesn't know (apparently) how to fix the problem they created and sent me to you when they ran out of ideas. Do you have any suggestions for a program (other than Excel or Microsoft Office) that might work to open and edit the sheets I need to access?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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From what I can find, Apache OpenOffice officially says it is for Windows up to Vista and is on version 3.4. The project diverged when Oracle bought Sun and Oracle didn't seem to want a freeware Open Office so they basically spun it off. As far as I can tell, what you should try using is LibreOffice which is currently version 3.6. You can find links to it in our Freeware DB.

Why don't you uninstall Apache Open Office and install LibreOffice and then come back and let us know if it still gives you the elevation error.

I'm assuming that, by saying I need to locate the program executable (??) in Program Files, I need to go to the Control Panel? I went there and tried right-clicking on OpenOffice in Programs and Features. The only options that came up were: Uninstall, Change and Repair. No options came up when I tried left-clicking on it.
No, I did not mean in Control Panel, Programs and Features. I meant in Windows Explorer. But let's forget this until you try LibreOffice.

I have no idea what UAC settings are so, I don't know how to set them backwards (??)
UAC is User Account Control. It is the security feature that makes the computer warn you "program XYZ has requested administrator privileges, allow YES or NO". And after thinking about it, I agree with you, I don't think it is an issue for now.
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Aug 27, 2012
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Trainable Man,
I downloaded LibreOffice tonight and for the first time in close to a month, I am finally able to open my spreadsheets. I will definitely send everyone I know, who is still using OpenOffice, the link you gave me. Now that I am able to open the sheets (most are business-related), my stress level is almost non-existent. Thank you so much for your help!


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
That's great! I'm glad it is all working for you.

I went ahead and marked this as SOLVED. :)