Nil said:
I'll be interested to see the responses to this. I have an account at (now, apparently) and it still works. I can log in
and change my options if I want. I guess I'm grandfathered in. You're
right, though, I see no sign of any free service currently offered. I
should be aware of any good alternatives, in case I get booted out. (now has l-o-t-s of domain names. Some are for
their own use alone. Many are for you to pick a domain as your own
(i.e., the domain to which visitor go but DynDNS redirects to your
current IP address - which means if you have a dynamic IP address that
you need to use their DNS updater client).
Every service has peaks of high usage. Do a traceroute to see what
hosts are between you and the DynDNS DNS server. Could be one of them
is slow. Routing is NOT dynamic and why there's a protocol to get
routers to update their tables but sometimes an admin has to intercede.
DynDNS shortened their name to Dyn. Who knows why. Maybe they're
contemplating on adding other services than just the DNS redirection
(which is just one of their DNS services). They already added e-mail
* stopped issuing new free accounts about November 9, 2011 and
without any notice to their free account customers. That means you
cannot create a new free account but you can still keep using your old
free account - until Dyn decides for whatever reason, like expiring an
idle account after 30 days, to delete your old account and then you no
longer have access to any free services at Dyn. Old accounts got
grandfathered in (but they reduced features long before that). Dyn[DNS]
can no longer be recommended for free DNS redirect services because they
don't offer them anymore.*
At one point, I believe, you could have up to 8 redirections (DNS
lookups) pointing at one, or more, or your hosts. Then they dropped it
to just 2 DNS domains. With them trying to hide their free service, I
suspect they intend to drop it.
Free accounts have always been a bit tenuous at DynDNS. Why? Because
if you don't do an IP update to your free DynDNS account in 30 days then
they consider it abandoned and delete your account. You have no control
over when their DNS updater client will update your DynDNS account.
I've seen an interval of 28 days which is way too damn close. If you
power down your host and are away for a month (a very long vacation,
illness, hospitalized, or some emergency), you lose your account. If
there is a problem with their DNS updater client connecting to them and
getting your account updated, you won't know until you can no longer
login or the DNS redirect fails because your account got deleted.
On whatever host you run their DNS updater client (to get your Dyn
account updated so it doesn't expire from being idle for 30 days -
although I've seen them terminate after 25 days), you better keep that
host powered up 24x7 and also ensure it always has Internet access and a
responsive route between your host and theirs.
Dyn aka DynDNS dropped their free DNS redirection service. Guess they
no longer need use unpaid leeching users feature and load testing their
systems and decided to go completely commercial. Even if you have a
still-working Dyn[DNS] account, you might want to consider setting up an
account elsewhere, like No-IP, since if you lose your free Dyn account
then you cannot get it reestablished or a new account. Alas, when one
provider drops their free service, it can be contagious so other DNS
redirection providers may follow.