Microsoft says NOT TO WORRY about it, it's no big deal and will be fixed in a future update.
From the Microsoft Answers website link:
From that link:
This has to do with Microsoft’s software (in code parts), and this means that the
Resource and Performance Monitor does NOT find the antivirus product, since
it is searching in the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
Since, the Resource and Performance Monitor is searching using old query,
with old path.
Old Query: root\SecurityCenter:SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct
New Query: root\SecurityCenter2:SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct
Now, since the case is about the older query, we end-up getting a message about that
the Security Center has not recorded an anti-virus product (See Image below).
Figure 1: Resource and Performance Monitor failed generating correct data about the Security Center status.
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