"OSIRIS" wrote in message
Windows 7 Home Premium Sp1
When I try to respond to an email or try word processing, if I am idle
only a few seconds
the blinking cursor disappears. It reappears when I place the arrow
at the end.
Trivial thing but bothersome.
Try CONTROL PANEL > MOUSE > (in Mouse Properties Dialog) Pointer
Options tab > Uncheck [] Hide Pointer when typing > [APPLY] > [OK]
Mouse configuration is already set as mentioned in both replies.
If none of the above help, try changing the options to the opposite of
what you want, boot the computer, and then change them back to what you
really wanted and do a second boot.
There can be times where what Windows shows you how it is set is wrong.
The part that displays the setting is correct but the underlying
option itself is configured incorrectly due to some glitch or other. By
changing the option to something else, booting, and changing it back to
what it was the entire option gets put back into sync.
If that does not fix anything you have not lost anything but time.
Something else might be affecting the cursor, like 3rd party
mouse/keyboard software if you have any loaded. Many of them have
options similar to the Windows option or may try to change the actual
Windows option on you.