I am a PC novice using Windows 7. I had a problem with my old Lenovo x200 and asked a PC support firm to install the SSD into another Lenovo x200. That was successful, and the PC was working fine. Unfortunately when I asked them to make a copy of the SSD onto a hard drive, the system shut down, leaving a blue screen. This evidently happened when they tried to convert MBR to GPT. They tried making a clone and going back to MBR, and then tried applying a recovery system using GPT. Neither of those methods worked. The data itself is saved, so they tell me I can do a clean install and start over. But that would start me from square one (not to mention that I no longer have the recovery disk for Windows 7 OS or Office). It's frustrating since the PC was operating perfectly normally until they tried copying the SSD. It's possible that the PC firm here in Japan may not have access to all the needed info, so I would appreciate any suggestions here. Many thanks in advance.