Computer Freezes

Jan 9, 2011
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Several times in the past week when I have been playing an on line video - for instance this evening I am on Itunes Michael Jackson sample of his CD which plays with a video too - my computer freezes - at the same time there is a continuous buzzing noise. I try Ctrl/Alt/Delete but has no affect, tried ESC - Nothing! Tried F1 and so on - nothing - only way to get out is to put my finger on the button and switch off. On starting again it is OK.

Is this Windows 7 or my 4 month old Samsung computer?

I am on IE - Windows 7


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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What version (home prem, professional, ultimate, other) and bit-size (32 or 64) of W7? And if you have a 64-bit OS then are you using the 64-bit IE or the 32-bit (both versions are installed on a 64-bit machine but 32-bit still runs by default).

Your browser is probably using an add-in player to deliver the audio/video stream, Do you know if you have flash player or silverlight installed? Silverlight should get regular updates during Windows Update cycles because it is from Microsoft. Depending on the settings flash may try to update itself from the Adobe sites as well but you should verify your flash is up-to-date.

Another possibility is your audio/video drivers need updated. Could you tell us the make and model of your computer and if you have a separate video card installed what is its make/model?

Rather than Esc or F1, when it locks up try Ctrl+Alt+Del (all three keys at the same time.) If the application hasn't frozen the entire machine then Ctrl+Alt+Del should bring up a menu where you can choose Start Task Manager and once started you can find your browser iexplore.exe which you can right-click on and choose End Process.
Jan 9, 2011
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What version (home prem, professional, ultimate, other) and bit-size (32 or 64) of W7?
I think it is 64 bit Samsung R780 current model of computer 4 gig memory and HD

And if you have a 64-bit OS then are you using the 64-bit IE or the 32-bit (both versions are installed on a 64-bit machine but 32-bit still runs by default).
I don't know!!! How do I tell?

Your browser is probably using an add-in player to deliver the audio/video stream, Do you know if you have flash player or silverlight installed?
I use Flash I will check it is updated - Silverlight may be there too - Windows auto updates. Video card in the computer - came installed

Rather than Esc or F1, when it locks up try Ctrl+Alt+Del (all three keys at the same time.)
I did say above that I tried Ctrl+Alt+Del and it has no affect - the freeze and the buzzing continues without a blink!

Thanks for your help.................... will watch for update
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
What version (home prem, professional, ultimate, other) and bit-size (32 or 64) of W7?
I think it is 64 bit Samsung R780 current model of computer 4 gig memory and HD
If you go to Control Panel \ System, at the top it will tell you the Windows edition, such as "Windows 7 Home Premium" and in the second section in the middle of System will be the System Type, where it will say 64-bit Operating System (or 32)

And if you have a 64-bit OS then are you using the 64-bit IE or the 32-bit (both versions are installed on a 64-bit machine but 32-bit still runs by default).
I don't know!!! How do I tell?
I missed that you tried Ctrl+Alt+Del when it froze, sorry, but anyway if you open IE like you normally do and then do the ctrl+alt+del to get task manager (and it's not locked up) then you can find iexplore.exe in the list of running tasks and if it says "iexplore.exe *32" then it is the 32-bit version that you are running.

Video card in the computer - came installed
What you might do is go to the Samsung support page for your country and computer and see if their are any driver updates for audio and video

In fact you are likely still under warranty so you might open a support ticket and ask them if they have any ideas why it might be locking up while watching online videos in IE.
Jan 9, 2011
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Hi Trainable Man,
Thanks so much for the help - I followed your instructions and find I am W7Premium and 64 BIT . I have been on to Samsung in the UK where I bought the computer but haven't heard back from them - I got on to a 'chat' with the US Support for Samsung and they were'nt very helpful - just told me to contact the UK so I copied the 'chat' info and sent it on to them on a ticket.
The Internet used to be so uncomplicated when I started on it in the 80s and now I can see myself very quickly getting out of my depth if I don't race to keep up. No wonder the elderly have problems understanding it.
Thanks for your help again Man!! Love the name - very liberating!


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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What I am hoping is that Samsung will tell you there is a BIOS upgrade or new audio or video drivers that will help your computer.

I tried finding drivers from the Samsung website but didn't seem to have much luck. Some manufacturers put the drivers right out there, easy to find and others seem to hide them or just offer their active update program; maybe they are afraid people will install the wrong ones and end up with a bigger mess if left to get them for themselves - I don't know.
Jan 9, 2011
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Thanks TM, you have gone to a lot of trouble - hope to hear from Samsung today and also hoping that they are better than 'Support' I had when I owned a Fujitsu Siemens laptop!! One pute I will never own again. Most expensive one I ever bought and boy was that a lemon!!! Overheated when I did the slightest thing and they insisted that it was 'normal'! Eventually they took it in to service and quietly advised that they had to replace some part connected to the cooling process, but it was never any good. I like this Samsung, so hopefully I will get it sorted.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
On the Samsung USA website they show the latest firmware to be dated 12-09-2010. Firmware v1.0.0.1 2.2MB Size This is for the model number: NP-R780-JT01US Your firmware may be different but I sincerely doubt it.

Are you running the latest ATI Radeon driver for your graphics card/chipset? The Samsung site show a Sept. 12, 2010 date, but the ATI website may have a newer driver.

Also the Intel Core™ i5-460 M chipset driver may need to be updated. The Samsung site shows a Sept 2010 date but I know for a fact that Intel just updated those drivers in late December of 2010.

BTW, that's a really sharp looking notebook you have there with some top-notch hardware.
Jan 9, 2011
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OK NIBIRU - Many thanks for the further update - hard to get going here as I keep getting mezmerized by your little spaceship avoiding the comets!!! I logged in to the Samsung UK site and found there to be about 14 driver updates in 2010. Two of these are 'after' I puchased my pute. I ponder......... how long would my pute have sat in PC World and not been updated - maybe a month? Anyway I will attempt to download one or two of the most recent before September 7th and if they advise that they are already on the computer I will know that I don't have to d'load all of the others. This may just be the answer. I have never been aware that I should go in to the computer 'manufacturer' and upload 'drivers' etc. Always aware of keeping updated on the Windows side. We are never too old to learn are we!!!!!!!!!!! Will let you know what happens.
Jan 9, 2011
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Hi again Nibiru - just finished some work on the Samsung UK site - there were 14 Drivers and 14 Software zip files datingthru 2010 - I saved all and then unzipped - I was surprised to see that even those that were several months before the purchase date did not come up as 'already installed' - so we will see if they make any difference to the performance. Thanks for your help.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
No problem! I was away from the site for some time today. Work and watching some Kansas basketball. Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Keep us posted and if you need anymore help and/or guidance let us know!


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