Peter said:
Thanks. I'm also having trouble with the cut/paste of images in
Windows Explorer. In XP I could select a batch of several images
with the Ctrl-Click then cut and then paste the images back into the
same folder but in a different place defined by the cursor. With
Windows7 these images are pasted back into the same position. Is
there some registry adjustment to fix this? I would be happy to just
get back all the image handling that XP had.
Sorry, in my prior reply, I meant "you can copy ALL of those you want",
not that you had to copy all files and then delete the ones you didn't
want in the destination folder. The Ctrl and Shift combo with mouse
clicks still works the same as before.
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish by selecting some files
and then copying into "a different placed defined by the cursor". Are
you asking how to make "<file>_Copy" files (copies of them within the
same folder as where they were selected) or did the "place defined by
the cursor" mean dropping them into another folder over which the mouse
was hovering at the moment you released the mouse button? I'm not sure
what you think is missing in Windows 7 regarding "image handling"
(which, so far, has been file management) that was in Windows XP.
Windows XP never had the onmouseover feature to auto-select a pane
inside of Windows Explorer. The Xmouse function (a registry hack) works
only for auto-focus on window objects, not on frames or panes within a
I'm not a programmer but do recall using WinRunner several years ago. I
could even write in its macro language (raw mode) instead of just have
it record my mouse nagivation and keystrokes. I remember that I could
change focus using the window title or by the object ID assigned to the
window when it got opened. I don't recall that I had a function to
identify a frame or pane within the window (other than for HTML pages).
So it could be a limitation on not having an object ID on which to
identify frames or panes within a window. Someone in a win32 API
programming group might be able to elucidate.
I think there was something in AutoHotkey that let you emulate the
onmouseover event to change focus to an object type within a window.
However, that probably requires defining the sensitive area (which
probably requires relative positioning since the Windows Explorer window
could be anywhere in the screen and querying screen size along with
determining the size of a pane) where AutoHotkey would perform its own
single-click (on a blank area of the pane) or issue a hotkey for the
application (if available) to change focus to another pane. I've seen
posts from AutoHotkey's forums where users discuss how to perform an
equivalent of the Javascript onmouseover event.
You're trying to use other software to compensate for a feature that
doesn't currently exist within the application. That's why I mention
that maybe a 3rd party file manager might do what you want. You could
ask over in the alt.comp.freeware newsgroup (but get ready to ignore a
lot of noise and bitch posts over there).