Can't get on to Windows 7!

Mar 21, 2012
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I was playing Football Manager on my laptop last night, when out of the blue ,it just froze. I left it for around half an hour to see if it would unfreeze automatically, and when it didn't, I switched the power button so that I could reboot the computer.

When I rebooted the computer, it came on to a black screen, with the heading 'Windows Error Recovery'. This screen gave me two choices: Launch Startup Repair, or Start Windows Normally. I decided to start Windows normally, as this usually works when an unexpected shutdown occurs. However, it went on to another screen which just said 'Windows is loading files...', and then on to the Windows 7 login page, but without the logo or anywhere to enter my password.

About 5 minutes later, it came up with the 'Startup Repair' tool, which said that it was looking for damaged files to see if it could repair them. I decided to leave it, assuming it would fix the computer. However, 9 hours later, it was still going, and at this point I decided to turn the computer off and try again. The same thing happened, but this time I clicked 'Cancel' as soon as I got on to the Startup Repair screen. When I did this, the background froze, but I could still use the mouse. Again, I turned the computer off and then back on again.

I have since tried to boot Safe Mode, and to open Last Known Good Configuration, and EXACTLY the same thing happens - 'windows is loading files', no password space, startup repair etc. Any help would be appreciated as I nowhave no idea what to do,or what is causing my computer to do this.

Dan Revitt
Feb 9, 2010
Reaction score
What brand of laptop is it? Most branded laptops use to options to recover from...usually F2, F10, F11 or F12. Some times doing a google search for issue will bring up anwsers of others that had the same problem with some solutions.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
It's a good possibility that your hard drive failed.

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