BSOD - Consistently every few hours

Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score

I'm having some serious BSOD issues, it happens every few hours and its really annoying. I've tried updating as many drivers I can and reinstalling windows, but this has not helped.

Any input on your part would be amazing!

I have
Windows 7 64 Bit
Amd Phenom9tm) 2 x4 945 Processor 3.00ghz
8.00 GB of RAM
A 1tb Seagate Barracuda Hard Drive
AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series Graphics Card

I have also attached a "Dump File" as I have seen requested by you in other threads.

Thanks again!



^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not a BSOD expert but could you start with a virus scan as explained >>HERE<<

How long have you had the computer? Have you had the BSODs since you first built the machine or is it a recent problem? Has the machine always had W7 or is it a recent upgrade?
Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
I've had the computer since November of 2011. I've have always had issues with BSODs, it has just gotten a lot worse in recent months.

I have always had WIN 7 and I haven't changed any hardware on the computer except for changing the hard drive and removing the Wifi card because it was faulty.

Neither of these changes seem to have helped even with re-installing my WIN 7. I will try the Virus scan, and I appreciate your interest in my problem, thank you!


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Well if you always had the problem then I suggest you check the memory first. Maybe the timings or voltage are off, if I read CPU-Z correctly your BIOS settings should all be 9-9-9-24-34 @ 1.5V for 666MHz for your 4 sticks of RAM.

You might want also want to run Memtest86+ for 8 to 10 passes (about 24 hours) and see if any memory chips get flagged red; this means either bad settings or a bad RAM chip.

Next, the latest BIOS is Aug 01, 2011 which is pretty old but still you make sure you are on at least that version. And check your drivers are up-to-date. When you reinstalled old drivers may have been used (see HERE for your MOBO drivers) and get the latest video driver from AMD.

Those are the three biggest causes of BSODs: Virus, Hardware problem, Drivers.

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