BOSD issues

Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
Hello, I had a friend build me a computer about a year and a half ago. From day one I was getting BSOD problems. What would happen is once per day when the computer boot up I would get a BSOD little after the desktop loaded. I would have to completely turn the computer off then back on to fix the problem. If i would restart it would BSOD again.

The computer would not BSOD untill the next day even if I would turn off/restart in the same day. Here are a couple of the BSODs

Specs: Intel I5-750, Asrock p55 Pro, 4gig 2X2 Adata xpg 1600 ram, 400 watt PS, Radeon 5800 GC

Any help would be much appreciated.

ps don't mind the misspelled title, can't figure out how to edit that part


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Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Can you post the .dmp files? We need them to work out a possible cause.

In the mean time:
Update all your drivers on your system. That includes the system the BIOS.

Also, information such as model numbers are helpful.

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