BOSD/Hang/Insta-Reboot On Startup

Mar 27, 2012
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Lets cover the issue, which is a major one to a lot of people.
Starting Windows:
Normal Start: Hang/bsod/restart
Safe Mode: Hangs/bsod/restart
Debugging Mode: Hangs/bsod/restart
System Repair:
Original Disk: Hangs on load for eternity
Downloaded Disk: Hangs on load for eternity
Windows Normal Repair: Hangs on load for eternity
System Restore:
Every Possible way you can restore: Hangs on load for eternity
Boot from disk:
Hangs on load
Hangs on splash screen
Bsod on splash screen
Swapped out hard drive/Reinstall windows to new drive
Loads fine. Update windows--
Next start up, Hangs on load, BSOD on splash screen, Insta-re-start.

When it happens. If the computer has been off for more than 3 minutes
When it stops happening --- after 30-60 restarts using a varity of debugging mode, safe mode, normal start, repair, last known config, disk attempts, etc.

To clarify, absolutely NOTHING WORKS TO MAKE IT START. There is no repairing, debugging, safemode, restore, last good config, disk load, re-install (without wiping the drive via plugging it into a working desktop). CLASSPNP.SYS cannot be removed perminantly (it keeps coming back). Eventually I can get the computer to start normally, and once it starts -- restarting is fine. If it's been off for too long (3 minutes+) it returns.

Information regarding computer:
Win 7 64 bit.
3 Drive (solid state primary)
4 gigs of ram, G-Skill
Asus Delux Motherboard
Issue started 6 months ago: at first it took 1 or 2 re-boots, then the number increased and is up to 60 reboots. Reformatted 2 days ago, did not reset the amount of reboots necessary.

I will take decent suggestions. Any suggestions to start in safemode, start up in repair, etc, will be ignored. And yes, I have tried repair once it starts working properly and doesn't just hang.. nothing is found to be repaired, start up repair doesn't work. No programs are currently installed. I'm currently trying to weed out the issue by one by one erasing things until I find something that fixes it. I could use any suggestions, or if someone knows what the fix is, please let me know.

Also, the problem seems to happen either as CLASSPNP.SYS is loading, or in the transition from CLASSPNP.SYS to whatever comes next,. or the very next driver/file.


Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
A couple of suggestions:
Is the RAM supported by the motherboard?
What is the RAM configuration? 2 x 2Gb sticks? If so try one at a time to see if one is faulty.
Or run a RAM checker.
Are you able to get the chipset drivers on after a load and before a restart?
If it Blue screens, hook it up to another computer and see if there are any mini dumps generated.

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