Backing up an encrypted drive in Win7.


Peter Jason

I have a dedicated HDD for certain files and this is protected with
TrueCrypt. I want to back this up to an external drive but I need to
know if I can just back it up encrypted, or do I need to decrypt, back
it up, and then recrypt. Is all the encryption backed up, or is the
backup drive vulnerable. Peter.


I have a dedicated HDD for certain files and this is protected with
TrueCrypt. I want to back this up to an external drive but I need to
know if I can just back it up encrypted, or do I need to decrypt, back
it up, and then recrypt. Is all the encryption backed up, or is the
backup drive vulnerable. Peter.
Does the "encrypted" drive consist of a TrueCrypt file or is the whole
HDD actually dedicated to encryption via TrueCrypt?
You could have done either.

If just a file you can copy that file anywhere and use it as you do the
current one.

If the drive itself is encrypted then you can
1) create a new TrueCrypt encrypted drive
2) or create an TrueCrypt encrypted file
and copy the files using drag-drop or any other file copy method.

Peter Jason

Does the "encrypted" drive consist of a TrueCrypt file or is the whole
HDD actually dedicated to encryption via TrueCrypt?
You could have done either.

If just a file you can copy that file anywhere and use it as you do the
current one.

If the drive itself is encrypted then you can
1) create a new TrueCrypt encrypted drive
2) or create an TrueCrypt encrypted file
and copy the files using drag-drop or any other file copy method.

Thanks. The whole original HDD is encrypted, so I will then have to
encrypt the whole backup HDD too.

Then, presumably, I will decrypt the original and the Backup HDD, do
the backup, and then dismount both.

I use Ghost15, and the size of the HDDs is 250GB each.

Stan Brown

I can't get Ghost15 to work on mounted volumes, so I'll just copy
over the files.
And as I posted here about a week ago, Acronis True Image won't work
on he mounted volume either.

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