Char Jackson said:
I think you've mentioned and explained this before, but I don't
remember the details so I'd like to ask again. Why do you say that the
Desktop is a very unsafe place to locate folders?
I'm not Bruce, but since I agree with him, I'll throw in my reason why
I think it's an unsafe place to store anything but shortcuts:
Since most of what's on the desktop are shortcuts, and shortcuts can
easily be recreated if necessary, it's easy to accidentally delete
something on the desktop thing it's just a shortcut.
Good enough, thanks. My first thought is that it's crazy to think of
the Desktop as an unsafe place, (and in my own case I actually do
think it's crazy), but then if I look at it through the eyes of some
of my customers I can totally see the point. Some of them delete
critical system files regardless of where they are on the drive, so in
some cases there is no safe place, period.
In an environment where you have a "roaming profile", i. e. you can log
on to any PC in the workplace and your "profile" is loaded from a
"profile server", having actual files - especially large ones - on the
desktop, rather than shortcuts to the files, can make your profile take
longer to load (and save when you log out). In the home environment,
this is less relevant, though I still have a "gut feeling" it's not a
good idea to keep any file much larger than a shortcut on the desktop.
(I think it still makes something about the PC booting take longer, but
I can't justify that thought.)