I don't know of any way to have Explorer run animations directly, but
until something better comes along, you could put the script below in
any folder containing animated gif's and run it whenever you want to see
the animations in action. It ain't fancy, but it works.
<body><script type="text/vbs">
set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fldr=fso.GetFolder(".")
for each file in fldr.files
if lcase(right(file.name,4))=".gif" then
document.write "<img src=""" & file.name & """>"
end if
I get this from a site....
Creating, Saving, and Running Scripts
Unlike scripts in web pages, a Kirix Strata™
script is not embedded inside HTML markup.
Instead, they are simply standalone text files
that contain JavaScript that can be executed
inside Strata as a program, or rolled up into
extensions that execute when Strata runs.
To create a new script that shows a message:
Go to the File menu and select New->Script,
which will open a new text editor without any
In the script editor, enter the the following
To save this script to the project and run it:
Go to the File menu and select “Save As”.
In the project “Save As” dialog, enter the
name “Test_script”, then press “Save”.
Then, while the script is open, run it by
either selecting Run/Script Query from the Tools
menu, or pressing Alt-Enter hotkey to issue a
keyboard command to run the script.
While we saved this script in the project, we
could also have saved it to the file system. To
save this script to the filesystem:
Go to the File menu, and select “Save As
Then, save the script as you would any other
file on your system.
Where do I "go to the Find Menu and select New-->
script." ?