Yep. But I don't think that's what was confusing him. He was simply
mixing up Outlook and Outlook Express.
Greetings All,
I was giving this thread a read and I think that, if you're like me and
you've been using Outlook for a whole lotta years, one may remember the
"Outlook Newsreader". In actuality, IIRC, the "Outlook Newsreader" was
a link to OE that added a switch called "/outnews". This switch would
shift OE from an e-mail/news client to strictly a news client. When OE
was launched with this switch, OE would display the title "Outlook
Newsreader". If one has the latest version of OE, create a new link and
launch it with the "/outnews" switch and take a test drive. If you
would like to go "back in time", please give the following link a read:
I think that it might clear a few things up.
Thanks for the read.