Advice sought on Microsoft "Outlook 2010".


Peter Jason

I am going to have to use this because the calendar function
has been removed from Access2010. My question is:

In Outlook2010, where is the facility to connect to


Bruce Hagen

Peter Jason said:
I am going to have to use this because the calendar function has been
removed from Access2010. My question is:

In Outlook2010, where is the facility to connect to newsgroups??


Outlook does not have any newsreader capabilities. You'll need a separate
program for a newsreader.


Bruce said:
Outlook does not have any newsreader capabilities. You'll need a separate
program for a newsreader.
Or a payware plug-in (but a separate newsreader is better rather than
being limited by Outlook's handling).


Peter Jason said:
I am going to have to use this because the calendar function
has been removed from Access2010. My question is:

In Outlook2010, where is the facility to connect to
No version of Outlook has EVER been able to connect to newsgroups
although earlier versions were able to link to Outlook Express which
could link to newsgroups.

AFAIK that capability is gone in later versions of Outlook.

Ken Blake

In Outlook2010, where is the facility to connect to

This is not really a Windows 7 question, and doesn't belong here, but
since it's very easy to answer quickly, I will. Neither Outlook 2010
nor any other version of Outlook has ever had any newsreading


Ken said:
This is not really a Windows 7 question, and doesn't belong here, but
since it's very easy to answer quickly, I will. Neither Outlook 2010
nor any other version of Outlook has ever had any newsreading
Erm... the win98 supplied Outlook did indeed have a newsreader.

Bob Hatch

Erm... the win98 supplied Outlook did indeed have a newsreader.
I'm pretty sure that was Outlook Express v4.

"To announce that there must be no criticism
of the President, or that we are to stand by
the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic
and servile, but is morally treasonable to the
American public."
Theodore Roosevelt

Ken Blake

Erm... the win98 supplied Outlook did indeed have a newsreader.

Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. First of all, there was no such
thing as "win98 supplied Outlook." As so many people have done, you
are mixing up Outlook with Outlook Express. They are two very
different programs.

Bob Hatch

I agree. After all, Outlook was part of MS Office, not "win98 supplied",
Yup. Outlook has never been included with the OS.

"To announce that there must be no criticism
of the President, or that we are to stand by
the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic
and servile, but is morally treasonable to the
American public."
Theodore Roosevelt


Ken Blake said:
Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. First of all, there was no such
thing as "win98 supplied Outlook." As so many people have done, you
are mixing up Outlook with Outlook Express. They are two very
different programs.
In olden days, when Outlook called OE for newsgroups, it changed the title
bar to read Outlook.

Ken Blake

In olden days, when Outlook called OE for newsgroups, it changed the title
bar to read Outlook.

Yep. But I don't think that's what was confusing him. He was simply
mixing up Outlook and Outlook Express.

RL Anderson

Yep. But I don't think that's what was confusing him. He was simply
mixing up Outlook and Outlook Express.
Greetings All,

I was giving this thread a read and I think that, if you're like me and
you've been using Outlook for a whole lotta years, one may remember the
"Outlook Newsreader". In actuality, IIRC, the "Outlook Newsreader" was
a link to OE that added a switch called "/outnews". This switch would
shift OE from an e-mail/news client to strictly a news client. When OE
was launched with this switch, OE would display the title "Outlook
Newsreader". If one has the latest version of OE, create a new link and
launch it with the "/outnews" switch and take a test drive. If you
would like to go "back in time", please give the following link a read:

I think that it might clear a few things up.

Thanks for the read.


Peter Jason

Bruce Hagen said:
Outlook does not have any newsreader capabilities. You'll
need a separate program for a newsreader.
Thanks to all for the replies.

I have Outlook2010 up & running, and I'll probably use
"Agent" for the news.


Bob said:
Yup. Outlook has never been included with the OS.
Gee, maybe I ought to fire up my old IBM that has Win98 and put up a
post as proof.
It was OE6.0. And all versions of Win98 came with OE 6.0.


Ken said:
Sorry, but you are very much mistaken. First of all, there was no such
thing as "win98 supplied Outlook." As so many people have done, you
are mixing up Outlook with Outlook Express. They are two very
different programs.
When I used win98, it came with OE 6.0. And of course it came with a
built in newsreader.
There was no such thing back in 1998 as just Outlook. It depends a lot
on where you are coming from.


Nil said:
You're a year off on that - Outlook was the MS Exchange mail client
since 1997.
Check my post to Anderson... using OE 6.0.
I still have an even older Win95 on an HP in a box. It too came with a
newsreader integrated with the mail program.
Don't know why MS decided to not include a newsreader program with their
os these days.

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