2 week old PC with video problems

Mar 31, 2011
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Just bought a new Alienware Area 51 PC through Dell. It has duel NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 cards in SLI mode. Yesterday, i started having troubles with the video driver. It will stop responding and then recover itself. Doesnt matter what i am doing, playing games, searching the web. The screen just freezes and turns black for a few seconds and then comes back on with an error message in the bottom right hand corner.

Its really irritating for a 2 week old PC to have a problem like this. Been buying Dell PC's for the last 10 years and this is first time i've had any troubles with a PC from Dell.

I googled the trouble i'm having and have noticed alot of other people are having the same issue. Is the problem with NVIDIA and their drivers and if so, will we be seeing a repair sometime soon if anyone knows? I have heard some horror stories with Windows7 but thats the only version of Windows thats offered when buying a new PC, through Dell anyways :-(

I checked to see if i have the recent version of drivers on NVIDIA's website and i do. I have ran and installed any new windows updates as they become available.

Should i contact Dell support regarding my problem? I have no driver to roll back to since its a new PC so i have to deal with this crap until someone decides to implement a fix.

Thanks in advance for any replies :)


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
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I would say first choice is to contact Dell and register the complaint whilst still under guarantee.


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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Bill69, welcome to the forum!

Dell, like HP, in the last couple of years or so, has been fighting for last place across the board when it comes to overall customer service (home users). Actually, HP is at the very bottom, despite the fact that they're also the #1 OEM for home computers.

But Dell isn't that much better. That computer you bought, you have rights, you have a warranty, by law, they have to fix it, or furnish you with another one. In addition, and possibly more importantly, if you purchased this computer with a credit card or PayPal, you need to be opening a resolution case, now, w/o further delay.

If you used one of these options to make this purchase, there is a 45 day window where the merchant has to make things right, or provide a full refund. In fact, the credit card issuer or PayPal will take the action on your behalf, you just have to speak up. Two weeks has already gone by, that 45 days will be here and gone before you know it.

Dell makes high dollar computers (in their minds) out of the cheapest components possible. I'm in a search for a new laptop myself, every Dell that I looked at had a weak link somewhere. At one time, they did produce quality computers for home use, but that day is long gone, the same with HP.

They do have customer service, but you'll probably be routed through India, and in addition to the language barrier, they'll BS you until that 45 days is over, then they'll only be obligated to swap your computer out, many times you end up not with the same computer, but a refurb of the same model and specs that some other customer (like you) had trouble with.

Unless you bought and paid for home service, and even then, they may try to trick you into letting them carrying it to the "shop" to fix it. Don't allow that, you'll never get your original back, mabye the hard drive, but that's all. Try to get as many serial numbers of your components as possible (and print them as evidence).

My suggestion to you is to contact Dell, as you have to take that step first anyway, but afterwards, still open a resolution case, as this will give you further protection. It would be better to open a resolution, and not need it, rather than not opening one, and get shafted.

Shortly after Win 7 was released, many users like yourself, came on this forum within days of purchasing a computer, mainly with "freezing" issues. As many as I could, I told them the same thing that I'm telling you. It's unacceptable to purchase anything, and it gives problems out of the box, or within days afterwards. I told them all, to take them back. It's the responsibility of the retailer (or OEM) to make things right.

You bought a new computer, and have every right in the world to demand that they make it right (a brand new exact replacement, or your money back). It's as simple as that.

Best of Luck,
Last edited:
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the welcome cat.

I understand where your coming from regarding customer service but in my mind, there is no such thing as good customer service or an english speaking person on the other end of the phone :rolleyes:. The days where the customer is right have been long gone due to certain people trying to rip off businesses with fraud and good people like us end up paying for it in the long run.

I wake up sad everyday knowing this country takes yet another step in the wrong direction.

Regarding my problem, i looked on NVIDIA's website and found a forums over there. Wow, many are having the same issue, some a little different but a major issue none the less. The interesting thing is everyone was also having troubles with a brand new PC less then a few weeks old.

One poster said he has been talking to the tech at NVIDIA for a week or more. He linked the responses from their tech and they said they now know there is a big problem and are working on a solution.

Another poster said it will be a waste of time to RMA the video card because when the manufacture gets the card, they install it in a test system and 90% of the time it will work properly. So he said he talked to the support over the phone and asked if he could send in his MB with the video card so they could also check using his MB and compare to their test system. They agreed and found the card worked with their system but not with his MB so they tested a few cards and found one to work with his MB that they were sending to replace his old card.

Regarding Dell and Alienware. I know they merged but i thought or was under the impression, that Alienware was still a stand alone company that allowed the sale of their systems through Dell? Who knows anymore.

Its sad in this day where companies could care less if they send a product that works as long as they get their money and most times products work just until the warranty is over, then they go nuts with troubles :(.

So, im not sure what to do really. I'm not going to send in my system only to get someone else's piece of crap :). I might call Dell and see what they say or do but i might also wait to see what NVIDIA does since they actknowledge the problem.

I appreciate the feedback cat :)

Elmer BeFuddled

Resident eejit
Jun 12, 2010
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Hi Bill69, I'll echo Cat and say Welcome. Plus get on to Dell.
It's known that new PC's don't always ship with the latest (best?) drivers for the system you've just got your hot grubby little paws on. In my long distant past experience, the 2 Dell PC's we bought were the worst I'd had, apart from the deal was too good to skip.

If you want to download and run DriverView from Nirsoft. When the DriverView window is in focus, select all (Ctrl+A) then File > Save selected Items. Save as a txt file and attach to a post. I'll see if I can spot any drivers that stick out like the proverbial sore thumb that may be compounding your problem.
Mar 31, 2011
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Hey Elmer. Well, according to nVidia's website, my PC was shipped with the current driver available. The only update that was available was a 3D driver update. I went ahead and uninstalled the video driver and reinstalled it with the newest version of the 3D driver but it didnt fix my problem.

According to the Dell comment, its amazing how some people have horrible luck with some companies while others have nothing but great luck with the same company. I have been buying Dell PC's for the past 11 years and this is the first trouble i have had. I cant really blame Dell for my problem simply because my PC worked fine for the first 13 days so any quality check they would have performed before my PC shipped, would not have caught my problem.

After i made this thread, i did some searching and found there is a lot of people having the exact same issue or a similar issue to what i am having. From what i am reading, its all boiling down to compatibility between the video cards and certain MB's.

Go check out the nVidia forums. The number people reporting this or a similar problem is rather mindboggling.

Time got away from me today so i am going to wait until Monday to call Dell and see what they have to say in regards to my issue. Dont want to get the old cheerful weekend crew at Dell support HAHA.

Thanks for the feedback Elmer and sorry ot hear you had troubles with Dell PC's. Like i mentioned, its amazing how things work for some people and not for others.
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
same problem with me i neeed a video driver for my laptop i cant run video files on it in xp it was all good but now its not working properly plz help me..............
Jun 16, 2011
Reaction score
i have same problems when i install the windows then pc work properly that is why don't perform good when solve your problems then you send me pm message i will wait you your next message.

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